Nowhere Else I Would Be

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I held onto Chris for dear life and I felt his face at my neck, knowing what he was doing with his nose in my hair. He was doing the same thing I was. He was taking in my scent as he nuzzled into me too. Chris began to whisper in my ear. "I'm so sorry baby. For everything, for last night and for all of this. I just needed to be here for you during this. I don't care how mad you are, I just wanted to be here for you."

I spoke just as quietly back in his ear. "We can talk about all that later. Right now, I just need you to hold me. I'm so glad you made your way here. You really are the best, I love you so much."

"I love you too. Let me speak to your family real quick."

Chris let me slide down to my feet and I wiped my eyes with one hand while my other hand grabbed his hand that was closest to me. Chris shook my dad's hand and hugged my mom, both with the same arm because I wouldn't let go of the other. Smiling over at me, he spoke quietly. "Let me give this little lady a big hug and then you can have my undivided attention and my hand back Feisty."

I let go of his hand long enough for Chris to use both arms to hug my grandma. She held onto him for a few minutes. My son had come to stand beside me while Chris talked with my family for just a minute and they updated him on what was going on now. Y/K/N put his arm around me and gave me a tight grin. I could tell he was happy to see Chris here after his worries he expressed earlier. I spoke only so he could hear me.

"Does this make you feel a little better? Seeing us together?"

All he did was nod and hug me before Chris had taken the steps back to me. First, he gave Y/K/N a hug and apologized for things that happened last night since he knew Scott had talked to him. Chris had talked to Scott on the ride to the hospital from the airport for an update since he had been on the plane when Scott had gotten the latest news. I turned to my son to speak.

"You knew he was on his way here and y'all didn't think to tell me when we were talking about things this morning?"

"Nope. We figured you'd find out when he got here. You weren't too talkative when we tried to talk to you, so we thought we'd let the two of you deal with it. I'm gonna go sit over there with great grandma."

Chris turned and wrapped me back up in his arms again and I mumbled into his chest. "You need to go get your suitcase and put it with mine."

As soon as Chris sat down in the seat beside the one he saw me get up from when he came in, I sat beside him. I didn't stay completely in my own chair though. I was practically in his lap, my legs across his thighs. Laying my head on his shoulder as Chris wrapped his arms around me, he pulled me close and I curled up, feeling safe. "Thank you for coming to take care of me. This is hard and you knew I'd need you. Sometimes I only pretend to be strong and hard headed on the outside but it's just a mask. I'm just gonna close my eyes right here for a few minutes. Okay?"

"Whatever you need, baby. You're always my Feisty, but I'm here now so whatever you need to be or do, I got you."

It had only taken seconds for me to fall asleep once I was snuggled into Chris, his arms enveloping me, holding me tightly against him. Breathing in his scent, listening to his heart beat, I felt safe and content. Well, the best I could feel due to the circumstances.

I woke to Chris rubbing my back. "Hey, Feisty....Baby, you need to wake up. Hey, time to get up, surgery's done."

Sitting up, I looked around trying to catch on to my surroundings. Realizing I had drooled just a bit, I wiped my mouth and looked at Chris' shirt where my head had been resting. "I'm sorry, I drooled all over you, I must have been sacked out."

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