Can I Ask You A Question?

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We stayed for a week until my grandpa came home from the hospital and was settled at home.  It would be an adjustment for him to act his age and take it easy.  Satisfied that everything was back on track, we lined up our tickets and headed back up north. While we were on the plane we tried to figure out what we knew we had going on in the next few months and what we might want to do.  

We knew we had Halloween plans, but we were going to have to arrange Thanksgiving and Christmas very carefully.  They were both important to us and our families.  That would be something to discuss closer to time.  Chris had more things when it came to work than me so he started first.

"I don't have any filming projects but there is one day I have  meetings in the beginning of November in D.C. so we could make it a small trip and see some things.  Have you been there?"

I gave him a side eye.  "Chris?  Really?"

"Well, just because you live in Virginia doesn't mean you'be been to D.C."

"I've been to D.C. I grew up only an hour and a half away.  We took field trips there in school.  I love going, I see something new every time, believe it or not.  So that sounds like a plan.  We can decide on how many days once we get home and look at the calendar.  I get to dress you though.  You people have no clue how badly you stand out when you think you're disguised.  If I'm going to have a mini vacation with my boyfriend, I don't want to share him."


Once we got home that night we crashed into bed at my apartment since we didn't have Dodger.  The next day we were going to pick him up and head to Chris' house.  It was going to be the first time we had a long stretch of being together in Massachusetts, or anywhere for that matter for weeks and months together without work.  For the little work that was happening, I planned on travelling with Chris.

Chris' phone buzzed right after he plugged it in and sat it on the bedside table. Of course he picked it back up to check who was texting him this late.  It was a text from Megan with a link. Whatever it was, she thought it was actually well written and could help after his night at the bachelor party with the different girls posting pictures.

She said if he had an issue to let her know but otherwise she would leave it if she didn't hear back from him.  He pulled it up and shook his head.  "Well, they know we're home.  Everybody does, but at least this article seems to set the record straight that you and I are good."

After Chris Evans was spotted at the bachelor party for Jeremy Renner with girls all around, he was spotted a week later back in Boston with Y/N, so it appears everything is still okay in paradise.  She had been spotted in New York with Sebastian Stan, meeting for dinner.  So, it seems she and Stan are indeed just friends and she and Chris Evans are still together.  Most fans seem to think Y/N is good for Evans, making him look happy and grounded.  Could this actually be the one that takes Chris Evans off the market and makes the eternal party boy settle down?  Time will tell, but we are starting to ship these two. 


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