High School Reunion...Plus A Reunion I Didn't Care To Have

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I hadn't planned on attending.  My high school reunion was coming up but I wasn't going to say anything about it at first. Of course an old friend had tagged me in a throwback picture of a group of us on Instagram and it mentioned the reunion. Scott, the nosy boy he can be, must have seen the post. Chris and I were laying low around his house, eating lunch while we had the iPad between us with Scott on FaceTime. "Hey Y/N, I saw that cute picture of you on Instagram. Are you going to your reunion?"

I was in mid-bite when Scott blabbed his big mouth. My eyes were wide and my mouth was full of my bite of sandwich as I looked up, meeting Chris' eyes looking at me in bewilderment. "You have a reunion? Why didn't you say anything? Are you going?"

I chewed quickly and swallowed my food. Taken off guard, I figured a simple answer was best. "I was tagged in a picture that mentioned a reunion coming up. I just saw it and no, I'm not going."

Both Evans boys asked the same question in unison. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to."

"That's not a valid reason. I'll go with you if I can. When is it?"

"Next week. There isn't enough notice, I'm fine not going. We just got home and you just wrapped up filming so we don't actually have to travel for a while. I just thought we would relax for a change."

Scott spoke up from the phone. "I'm gonna get off here and let the two of you discuss this since I apparently opened a can of worms. Love you both!" Blowing a kiss towards the screen, he ended the call and Chris questioned me more.

"You really should go. I don't have to go with you, but if you want me to I will. Did you really just find out?"

"Yes. I hadn't checked my Facebook in a while and that's where they have been communicating about it the most. I got tagged in this picture on Instagram yesterday and it mentioned the reunion. You realize my ex will be there. I'm sure he will go."


"You really want me to go to this. Why?"

"Because, you had to have had friends or you wouldn't have been tagged and it's part of who you are. It's always fun to see people you grew up with like that. I'd love to go with you and hear stories."

"I doubt you would. All the stories include him. He was on the football team."

"What about what's her name?"

"She was two years behind us but I'm sure she will come with him."

"And don't you think everyone is already aware of the situation between the two of you?"

"Oh I know everyone knows. That's the kind of stuff that gets around quick. Plus I'm sure social media took care of that. It's not a secret around town that I have a pretty famous boyfriend now either. You really want to be subjected to all that?"

"If you want to bring me, sure, plus, you have gotten pretty good recognition on your own with your writing."

"Well, I hope you know I wouldn't go without you."

"Go ahead and RSVP then. We're going."


I had submitted my RSVP along with my plus one and made reservations at the hotel that the reunion was being held at in case we ended up drinking. I knew I may need the alcohol.

The day arrived and we flew down.  We checked in and had just enough time to get ready before we headed downstairs to the banquet hall. Chris tangled his hand into mine, telling me how pretty I looked. Of course he looked like the movie star that he was, in his expensive suit. Handsome as ever, I knew I would, by far, have the hottest date there.

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