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Tara's Halloween party was actually a few days before the actual holiday and the plans changed. It was now themed and it was 80's night. No Black Widow or Captain America but I would get Chris in that suit at some point! We were now Indiana Jones and Marion.

Tara and I had met before and got along great so far. It had been brief visits when Chris and I had time that matched up with Tara's free time to hang out. The two of us exchanged some of our favorite Chris stories when we did get to talk on the phone or video. This time was no different, I felt like I really knew her from everything Chris had told me about her and their time together. We started catching up right after we arrived to the party. "Chris really adores your friendship, it's something that anybody can see."

"Well that goes both ways. We've been through alot together and have known each other, practically, our whole lives."

"It's nice to have that, I'm sure."

"I'm so glad he finally found you. It's like it was meant to be, as cliche as that sounds. I could tell pretty early on after he met you that he felt something differently for you that he hadn't ever felt before. Just the way he would talk about you if he had seen you or talked to you recently. Then, hearing what Scotty had to say about the two of you. Before he ran across you, I was beginning to wonder if he was going to be an eternal bachelor."

I really didn't know what to say. Coming from Tara, that meant alot. "Thanks. He's pretty special so he makes it kind of easy to be with him."

"He has his moments. I worry about him but I think he's finally learning to grow up thanks to you. I know I've said this before, but please be patient with him."

"His mom has said the same thing. A bunch of times actually."

"It's because we know he doesn't think things through and somehow forgets cameras are always around him. He's already goofed up once, he doesn't mean to though. Alcohol makes him carefree and he forgets there are people who will manipulate him." She got kind of quiet as she was finishing her sentence and her eyes moved to look behind me.

Tara smiled as I felt Chris' arms snake around my shoulders from behind to wrap around the front of me. "You guys talking about me?"

Turning my head to look back at him, I kissed his cheek. "Why ever would you think that my dear?

"Because I heard you." The three of us laughed before Tara was called over by another guest. I turned around so I was facing Chris and he stepped forward a little, pinning me against the kitchen counter, looking down at me. There was no telling what he was up to judging by the glimmer in his eyes and the smell of beer on his breath. After giving me a lopsided, tight grin, he spoke quietly so only I could hear. "So, since our plans for you to be Black Widow were scratched, do you think it's possible that outfit might still make an appearance before the night is over?"

Smiling up at my boyfriend, I couldn't get enough of him when he was so playful and at ease. This was definitely more apparent when he was home and around people he knew most of his life in this town. Reaching up, I gave him a quick peck before I spoke. "Well, it depends on whether or not you want a trick or a treat."

An actual growl came from within his chest that was pressed against mine which made me laugh a little and question him as he giggled at my reaction. "How many beers have you had Christopher?"

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