Things Are Falling Into Place

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Long story short, Sebastian needed help, in more ways than one.  He had gotten himself into one hell of a situation.  At some point, he signed on the dotted line, after being persuaded that it was for the best if he wanted to achieve that next level of his career.  His management, which he had just signed onto as well, said he needed to have his face out there so people would be reminded of him.  They wanted to pull him away from only being known as one of the Marvel men. 

What he didn't know is that this list of possible matches, who were also signing up for the same reasons, weren't all screened as well as they probably should have been.  Most of the actors and actresses were paired with models or socialites who wanted to become bigger models or jump into acting.  The latter were ones that were known to be flashy on social media which would get someone like Sebastian's face out there in some other genre than they were usually seen in.  Whatever it was, the one he was assigned to messed with his head and his image.  One thing led to another and here we were.

She had convinced him after a while that they actually should give a relationship a try.  He said she would do everything she thought she could that  would make him happy.  So, basically, she spoiled him.  She came from money, so she would have things waiting for him that she bought when he got back from working.  She would pamper him and go anywhere he wanted or mentioned.  Basically, she kissed his ass in order to keep him all to herself and hold things over him if he strayed.  She knew how much attention she had received just by calling him her 'boyfriend'.  Any kind of attention, good or bad, was still attention in that line of work. 

Thankfully, he was done with the time allotted to the contract now. What I didn't understand was why he stayed longer than he needed to. The contract had been done for a little while now. He thought he could change her, and she would pull a guilt trip on him if he mentioned a break up. His emotional state allowed him to fall for it, especially since his friends had all stopped coming around. Those that he hadn't cut all communication with, that is. They had enough of her and didn't want to watch it anymore either. Eventually, she had run everyone off and Sebastian began to see things clearly.

Once she tried what she did at the lunch she ran into Chace and I at, Seb said he knew then that he couldn't change her and he missed his friends along with his old life. He just had to pick the best time to go.

I stayed with Seb as long as he kept talking. We joked around a little but also talked about what had been going on with him. There were tears along with a few laughs while we filled each other in. Eventually, the talking slowed, both of us feeling the exhaustion from tonight's events. Letting him know Chace should be back soon,  I dramatically tucked him into bed like a child, making him chuckle as I kissed his forhead. Sitting in the edge of the bed, I spoke quietly.

"I cannot explain how relieved and happy I am that you're here."

"That makes two of us Scuttle."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. I'm back though."

"You better stay this time."

Sebastian smiled. "I will. Go on and get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

Nodding, I stood and walked out the door, closing it behind me so Dodger wouldn't sneak in to check on him. I tiptoed to my own bed, figuring Chris was May be asleep since it was getting late.  Chace and Scott weren't back yet, but I texted to let them know Seb was in the guest room if Chace wanted to check in and see if he was still awake when they got back.  Scott had a key and was going to stay in his room here tonight when they returned.  Then I told them we could all have breakfast together in the morning. 

As soon as I sat on the bed, Chris stirred.  I turned to speak.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine, I wasn't asleep.  I was waiting for you, just resting my eyes.  How's he doing?"

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