Lunch Date

898 43 24

There was a small job Chris had to take care of in London before he started press for Lightyear and he'd be gone for about a week.  Even though we'd be going through London for Lightyear, there wouldn't be enough time for him to do what was needed for this side project while we were there.  I was going on the tour with him when he returned so I stayed in LA with Dodger instead of swapping coasts for a few days after taking the travel into account both ways. Scott was staying with me at night and he had a few things planned for us to do, kind of like back when we had all just started out together and Chris was working.   We had our iPads but of course it wasn't the same, especially now that we were used to being together a lot and also now engaged. 

Times like this reminded me of once hearing him say in an interview that he liked his alone time.  Occasionally, I'd remind him to let me know if he needed some space for himself and he always told me the same thing.  His alone time he once wanted, had changed into a different kind.  He still liked some quiet time without people around but wanted me there for it.  The man that used to enjoy camping alone, or being at home with just he and Dodger, now included me into that quiet space.  It went both ways.  I wanted him around me as much as I could have him. 

It still amazed me that both of us felt like this because the whole time I was married, it wasn't  like that. Maybe because we were young when we got married and grew into different people and out of love.  Once my son was born I was more invested in him and his well-being than my marriage because we had changed.  Now, the relationship I have with Chris is very healthy and we talk about anything and everything.  Scott still makes comments occasionally that he can't  believe his once anxious brother, who could be a hermit at times, would have me with him all day, every day if he could.

Before Chris left for the week, he and I stocked up on groceries, but by mid-week, I was ready to just get out of the house during the day instead of waiting for Scott to get home at night.  Nothing against Scott, but I needed to get out of the house for a bit.  Thankfully, Chace called to say he was back in town and wanted to take me out for lunch.  I couldn't turn that down and started to make my way to meet him.

I put on a hat, just in case, and made sure I had my sunglasses.  I texted Chris as soon as I parked to tell him I was meeting our friend at The Grove.  I knew he'd trust Chace to make sure I was careful with my surroundings but I wanted him to know where and who I was with just in case someone snapped a picture.  Chace was very recognizable but also didn't tolerate people in his personal space.  He actually pulled up right beside me as I was getting out and locking the car.   After a gigantic hug, we exchanged small talk while we walked to Alma. 

We were seated in a far corner, per Chace's request, as I watched the hostess flirt uncontrollably.  Our waitress, on the other hand, was very bashful and couldn't maintain any sort of eye contact past a few minutes with him.  It was fun to tease him about it even though I felt sorry for her.  "I can't go anywhere with good old boy, Nate Archibald, without him making girls' faces turn red."

"What can I say, I still got it."  He laughed off his sarcasm, making me giggle. 

"I bet it was hard for you to go anywhere back then."

"It actually was, especially if I was with any of the cast.  Seb and I...". Our eyes locked into one another as he caught himself before finishing his sentence, for both of our sakes.  He missed him too, I knew that, and it still showed as he glanced down to the menu before looking back at me and speaking again.  "I'm sorry..."

"Chace don't.  Neither one of us should have to apologize for him.  It's okay.  Those were good times for you.  Nothing he is doing now will change that, you should cherish those times."  He didn't respond with anything besides a nod, continuing to his menu.  I copied his action, letting the silence sit for a moment before the waitress brought our waters.  We gave her our order and Chace seemed to busy himself with his straw before moving his silverware to a different side.  Since he looked bothered, I decided now was as good a time as any to tell him.

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