Starstruck... for a few minutes anyway.

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There were different Q & A type sessions set up during this convention where the actor that portrayed the character in the movie would be on stage when the new merchandise was released.  To get into the event, a person had to have an invitation of some sort.  Those included friends or family, company reps for vendors, and press.  There were tons of press like radio, newspaper, television, entertainment, and so many others including journalists along with people who would interview the celebrities and merchandise makers.  Scott and I had an all-access pass so we could go anywhere we wanted.  The perks of being with Captain America. 

Chris had already had one meeting with Marvel a week or so ago about possibly returning to the man in red, white and blue.  He was enjoying retirement from the franchise, even though it had been brief, but I could tell he missed it.  When he would tell stories from set, or mention someone in the cast, he would talk in a different manner.  I think it was just the thought of never returning to it.  So, now that there had been a discussion of a possibility, this convention meant something else to those of us who knew, which were only a few.  There were definitely rumors circulating about it, we'd seen a lot online about it, but Marvel, nor Chris had confirmed it. 

Chris had to stay with the group so Scott and I made our rounds to different booths and tables.  We even made it to the DC conference room.  With our credentials, we could sit up front in a  reserved section.  It was so weird seeing some of these people in person.  Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Harley Quin and Dead Shot.  Then there was Superman.

They were all announced one by one and came out to sit individually at their toys.  The toys for the ones who couldn't make it to the convention were off to the side on display.  After they were announced and sitting, my phone buzzed.  Looking down, I saw it was Chris.

💚BUTTERBEAN💚:  Whatcha doin?

Y/N:  Sitting in conference room B with your brother until your session starts.

💚BUTTERBEAN💚:  What's in conference room B?

Just as I got ready to reply to Chris, Scott nudged me and I questioned him in a hushed tone.


He gave me a look and nodded toward the stage.  Looking up, I scanned the stage and saw Henry, one eyebrow up, with a questioning look.

Raising both eyebrows at him, I shook my head.  In other words, what was he looking at me like that for?

He smiled and shook his head.  As I looked back down at my phone, Scott elbowed me again and spoke quietly.  "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know, let me answer your brother."

"You may be the only straight girl in the universe who looks away from Henry Cavil after he looked at you that way."

"You're being ridiculous."

"Am I? He just looked this way again." 

"Scott, I don't care. Besides, every other girl in the universe doesn't have my boyfriend, so that's why I can look away.  I'm trying to reply to your brother's text before he freaks out."


Too late.  Guess that means he either asked or looked it up.

💚BUTTERBEAN💚:  Traitors!

💚BUTTERBEAN💚 has added FRIENDLY to the chat...*

💚BUTTERBEAN💚:  Scotty?  Why are you guys in the DC panel?  Traitors!

FRIENDLY:  Get over it.  BTW, your girlfriend is the only girl in the universe who looks away from Henry Cavill when he is looking at her from the stage. 

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