Interesting Turn of Events for Someone Starting Over

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Soooo, for someone who has had her life completely changed in the past year, this is a very interesting turn of events for my standards. I am literally sitting in an Evans sandwich. How does this even happen in real life? It must be a dream. If it is, man does it smell good in here. I really can't tell which one it is or if it's both.

We pull up to this small, pub looking place. Confused, I speak up, "they have pizza in a bar? That's weird."

Chris turns and sizes me up for a minute before speaking. "Don't knock it til you try it sweetheart. Maybe we operate differently up here."

Great. I've offended Chris Evans. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to sound rude or anything. Just thought they served...."

Scott interrupted me, "he's kidding y/n. We can eat pizza next door and then if we want to we can come back over here and have a few beers and play pool. If you want to, that is. That's usually what we do when we are both home on a weekend. Don't feel like you have to though. We can take you...".

It was my turn to cut Scott off. "No. I'm fine. It sounds fun. I have nowhere to be."

Both guys hopped out and I scooted over and out of Scott's door. Turning, I walked around the back of the truck and followed chris to the further building beside us. The place was only half full but there were cars pulling in behind us. My bet is that these two buildings are hopping on the weekends, being that people can have their dinner and then have some fun next door.

Chris chose a back corner booth and slid in to the side where he was facing the back. In my mind I figured it was in case somebody who wasn't a regular wouldn't see him facing the entrance. He kept his baseball hat on but had slipped his shades onto his shirt, hanging them from his collar. I decided to slide into the opposite booth, needing to separate myself from him a little after being so close in that truck. Scott, didn't give me a choice though and squished into the booth with me.

Nudging my shoulder with his, he got level with my face and spoke up with a huge, bright smile. "Mind if I sit by you Trouble? You smell better than my brother." He was definitely wrong, they both smelled good.

Chris bellowed his famous laugh again. Between Scott's infectious smile and Chris with his laugh and smile, these boys were spoiling me. If this was the only night we hung out, I'm going to be mess with missing it in the future. I was enjoying their company so much, the thought of it ending had to be pushed to the back of my mind.

Smiling I answered Scott, "only if you behave Friendly".

Chris spoke up this time. "Well I might as well move over now then because he doesn't know how to behave, one of you will have to move over here if your expecting him to do as he's told."

Dramatically bringing his hand to his chest, Scott's mouth dropped open, playing like he was shocked and appalled at his brother's accusations before looking back at me. "I'll have you know my behavior is borderline perfect."

There was that beautiful laugh from Chris again. The waitress came by and gave me a pointed look before speaking to the guys. "Well, well, well. Looks like trouble rolled in for the weekend."

Both, Scott and Chris, busted out laughing and I joined them this time. The waitress just waited for us to stop our giggles.  Chris was able to speak first, "sorry... I'm sorry Janet.  We aren't laughing at you.  Scott has nicknamed our friend y/n here Trouble and she is from out of town so it was just kind of funny."

"Um, okay, what can I get you guys to drink?"  She wasn't as amused as we were. 

Scott and I asked for water and Chris started with a beer.  He went ahead and ordered 2 pizzas too.  One with a bunch of stuff I knew I wasn't going to eat and then one pepperoni.   Chris was done with his beer
before the pizzas came and ordered a second one, but also asked for a water.  "Since I'm drinking I will pick up the tab."

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