Was There A Kiss?

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Chris needed to get some sleep whether he thought so or not. The makeup department would not be too pleased with tired eyes for the early filming he had in the morning. With a squeeze to his hands, I let go, telling him we needed to go our separate ways for the night. Standing up from the sofa, I made it one step before he had reached back up for my hand, grabbing it. As he stood up, Chris pulled on my hand a little to turn me back around to face him. He placed his free hand on my neck, thumb caressing my cheek.

His breathing accelerated, his eyes boring down into mine, as he spoke softly. "Can I try something? Just once. I know I said I'd let you decide when we did this but... No pressure, it is totally fine if you say no, I'll just give you a hug and we will both go to sleep."

All I could do was nod, he had taken my breath away yet again. Letting go of my hand so both of his palms could hold my face, he leaned down closer to my face. His eyes, pupils blown, darting back and forth, as they were mirroring mine, before he whispered, "you're sure?"

Barely moving with a nod, I reached my face up more to meet his, my lips yearning for his. He matched me, finally touching our lips together. It felt like electricity soared through my lips. That heady mix of his scent and the pull I have had to him made me want more but he pulled away with a grin and said, "thank you. I've wanted to do that for a while now." His hands moved to my shoulders, rubbing down the length of my arms to hold both of my hands after he spoke.

Smiling as I dragged a breath in, I asked him his own question asking him if I could also try something. His features seemed to light up with the grin he emitted along with his confirming nod. Removing my hands from his, raising both arms up, my hands found the nape of his neck and pulled him down slowly but fervently to me. Reaching back up to meet his lips again, I kissed him with a tad bit more force than he had used. This seemed to motivate him, his strong arms moved around my waist pulling me closer to him as he took the step backwards, walking me with him to the sofa, our kiss never breaking. He fell back to sit on the sofa as he pulled me to straddle and sit on his lap. His warm tongue grazing my bottom lip, seeming to ask permission to enter. Gradually moving my lips apart..................

I jumped to a sitting position, throwing my palms down on each side of my hips to the mattress trying desperately to find my bearings. It was dark, but there was a little light peeking through the bathroom door attached to my room, allowing me to see enough. I had left the light on because when I stay in hotels I don't like waking up in the dark, not knowing where I am at first.  The hotel, ...New York, ...I was in the hotel that Chris was staying in... ...in New York, ...with Scott and .......Chris. Did that...?  Had I been kissing Chris?  No, ...dreaming...I dreamt it.  I had to have, ......Chris Evans and me? We talked about being more than friends though before I moved into this room, I think. 

Shaking my head I tried to grasp reality but that conversation I thought I remembered still felt too real! I knew that kiss I just had was a dream because I woke up in the bed during it and Chris wasn't in here.  I really liked that kiss though, it felt so real, and ...man was it good.  Already, I had given in and felt things for Chris, I had crossed completely over to the land of feels.  There was no going back, I just had to tell him, my feelings for him were a lot stronger than I had told him. 

It was one of those dreams that you feel exhausted the minute you jerk awake in the bed, totally confused because of your surroundings and scared of everything around you even though there was no danger.  It's like you need to know everything is okay and you need assurance of it. 

The size of the huge king sized bed made me feel like the princess and the pea. It was way too big for me, like it was swallowing me up whole. I was feeling the opposite of claustrophobic. Between that feeling and the way the dream had me confused along with the vast space on each side of me, I needed some sort of reassurance. Sliding from my platform, walking quickly toward the door to the living room, I swung it open with more force than I intended to. My breathing heavy from confusion and honestly, ...lust from that dream, all I knew at that point was that I needed to be in his arms.  The dream had shook me, even though I had dreamt of him before, there was a yearning to it now, especially knowing he was in the next room and not states away from me like he usually was.  Chris bolted up from the sofa as soon as the door opened at the sight of me. "Y/N, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

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