Pranks in Domestic Life

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Of course when we got back it snowed.... a lot! I was used to snow, but it was hit or miss. Some years we got none, others we got more. In Massachusetts, we were getting quite a bit. Scott was in town and staying with us as well. Even though Chris was used to the snow and had four wheel drive, I wasn't keen on venturing out with it as deep as it was. It's one thing to drive around in a few inches of snow, but not when it was over twelve inches and still falling. Chris shared our scenery with his Instagram followers which of course started a fan frenzy since he was showing our bedroom. Well, as far as they knew, it was his bedroom.  I made sure he didn't get any of me in the picture since we didn't think anyone suspected us living together. 

The two adult children I was snowed in with played pranks and scared one another

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The two adult children I was snowed in with played pranks and scared one another. Scott tried it once on me and learned quickly that my reflexes are very acute. Chris and I were getting ready to pick a show to binge watch on one of the streaming channels. It was dark outside and I had turned the kitchen light out but our bedroom light left enough for me to see through the hall. I was walking from the kitchen back to our bedroom with a bowl of ice cream big enough for the two of us to share and a big glass of iced water. Scott had hidden in the entry way to the bathroom beside the kitchen and jumped out, screaming my name, when I got right to the door.

He got a face full of ice water and the bowl of ice cream fell to the floor, splattering all around us. Scott was sucking in breath from the shock of the giant cup of cold water splashing his face as I was trying to stop myself from smacking his shoulder for scaring me. While all this was happening I heard Dodger barking and Chris' feet hit the floor, jumping off the bed as he yelled my name. All I saw was his shadow before I tried to warn him to stop running, but it was too late. Before I knew it, my feet are flying out from under me and Scott was grabbing my arms, trying to soften my fall.

Chris had slipped on the ice cream, thankfully somewhat catching himself. When his legs went down though, they tripped me up. If it weren't for Scott reaching for me up high and Chris down low, it could have been much worse. I landed in Chris' lap.  Once we all realized we were okay, I started to giggle at Chris looking like Bambi on the ice before he chuckled and asked what happened.

"Your brother apparently didn't get the memo that I don't like to be scared."  Then I turned to address Scott.  "Did you not learn anything about me in that haunted house?"

Scott was on the defensive. "Well, I figured inside your home with two men and a dog to protect you, it may be a little different than a haunted house where things are ready to scare you at all angles. You scare way too easily, has anyone ever told you that?"

"No Scott. It's a reflex mechanism, not a feeling. You're lucky I didn't punch you, I really had to regroup quickly to make sure I didn't. At least in the haunted house, I knew things would be jumping out so I tried to control the urge to hit people."

Dodger was licking Chris' arms and mine, trying to get the ice cream off of us. Chris tried to shoo him but to no avail, even as he kept asking me if I was sure I was okay. I was literally sitting in his lap the way I had fallen. Scott was still standing in front of us and reached his hand out to help me up. Making sure I had a handful of ice cream in my other hand, I took his offer but as I stood up, I smeared the ice cream in his face. He screamed because at first he was taken off guard. Since he was off balance from the surprise of what I had done, it made him let go of me, causing me to plop back down onto Chris's lap. My boyfriend was in a laughing fit of giggles as he caught me and wrapped his arms around me.

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