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We had everything set up and waiting.  Chris was scheduled to land in the afternoon and Scott would be picking him up.  He knew Scott was supposed to come in the day before to spend some time with us in Virginia.  This way it didn't seem odd that Scott was here.  Once they got home, Scott would have to deal with any questions about the cars outside and tell Chris whatever he wanted.  That was all at his discretion because I had other things to worry about. 

Scott also knew to take Chris to the guest room downstairs and that would be where their clothes would be waiting, along with their dad and Lisa.  Then they could all deal with Chris once he found out what was going on.  There were a few others that would make their way to Chris since they'd play a part in this.  I did make Scott promise me that he would video his brother's reaction once he found out and when he first walked out back to the scene we worked on all week.

I was set up in our bedroom.  Once I was dressed and Sebby and Chace were dressed, they stayed with me.  My parents stayed for a while with me and we all got some pictures of all of us and seperately or grouped, before they made their way outside to welcome people.

Chris did not shut up the whole ride from the airport.  Usually it's me that is the motor mouth, but luckily he was amped up.  He talked about filming and how excited he was to relax at the house for a while.  I chimed in when I needed or could.  Once we turned into the driveway there was no hiding the amount of cars we came in to and he questioned it the moment he saw it. 
"Scotty?  What'd you guys do?"

"Oh no.  No.  No.  No.  This is all on your fiancée big brother.  This was her idea.  I got brought in after the fact, even though it's going to be epic."

"Okay, what is it?  It's not my birthday.  Where is Y/N?  I'd actually like to see her, I mean it's been a week and I'd like a kiss or two before we do anything else with whatever all of this is about."

"Well, she's busy at the moment but I'm going to take you in and you'll find out why.  You might get that kiss though."

We parked and I made sure Chris came through the front door so he didn't see much of the back yard.  He immediately made like he was going to go upstairs but I stopped him.  "You can't go up there.  Follow me."

The look Chris gave me was a cross between agitation and fear.  He really was clueless and Y/N had pulled off this surprise successfully.  When I turned the knob to the designated room, our parents were both waiting inside as planned.   Dad had on a suit and mom wore one of the dresses she had from an awards show or premiere, I honestly couldn't remember which it was.  My suit was hanging in the closet, next to the suit for Chris, our shoes sat in the floor.  My brother stood there, looking from one of us to the other before I spoke up.  "Let's get changed so we can get outside."

Chris still was at a loss for words, so Ma decided to help.  "Chris, sweetie, your dad and I will wait out in the living room for you to change.  There is a time schedule, so you need to get moving."

Chris seemed to snap out of it finally.  "What the hell am I getting changed for?  And why are you guys so dressed up?  I mean I've guessed by the amount of cars it's a party, but for what?  I don't know of any birthdays.  Where's Y/N?"

"I told you she's busy."  I tried to take the lead hoping he'd follow and start changing.  I should have known better though.

"Scotty, tell me why the hell I need a suit to go to my own backyard."

"Chris, stop asking questions so you don't ruin this surprise.  She's worked so hard on it and you'll love it."

That's all I had to say.  He did as I asked and once I made sure everything looked as it should with our clothes, we opened the door, finding our parents.  The four of us walked to the back door and I knew once we stepped outside, just by his expression that Chris knew what was going on.

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