Reunited and It Feels So Good

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When it came time for Chris and I to head out for the meetings we had scheduled, Y/K/N just stayed at the house with Seb and they were going to watch Dodger for us. Georgetta was set to arrive the day after we were leaving and she was staying at our house too. My parents had already set up a day to bring dinner as did my grandparents. Sebastian was used to having a family of friends more so than alot of family. He was about to get a big dose of a lot of family while being here. He seemed comfortable with everyone already, like he had been a member of my family all along.

Once I arrived in New York, it felt weird being separated from everyone and alone. Chris had been gone a few days before I left to come to the city, but he was going to come here when he was done with work. After New York, we planned to go to Boston together. We'd be staying at the house there before I flew home to Virginia and he headed back to Atlanta for a week for a few things.

Once I checked into the hotel in New York, I had enough time to change and unpack before my first meeting. I texted Chris to let him know I landed and arrived at the hotel. That way when he was done with work he'd know since I'd be in my meetings. There were a few places I was making an appearance for the book release along with my manager in the upcoming days.

It felt so busy compared to just hanging out like we had been. It was the same agenda for the few days I had been there. I finally got back to my room, showered, changed into my pajamas, ordered room service for dinner and then waited in bed for Chris to do the same and call me. Once we saw each other on FaceTime, it relaxed us both and we wouldn't talk long before falling asleep. I didn't sleep well without him beside me, but when I'd wake up a few times in the middle of the night, I'd look into the iPad. As soon as I saw his sleeping face on the screen, I'd fall back to sleep.

The night before he was set to arrive in New York, he had to work late. I told him he better call and wake me up to let me know he got back to his room. We left the iPads on after we talked for a few minutes, but by the time he had showered and gotten into bed, I must have fallen back to sleep. By the time I got up the next morning for my meeting, he was still sound asleep on the other side of the screen. His alarm went off right before I was getting ready to head out for my day. I had just a few minutes so after he cut his alarm off I sat down to speak.

"Morning handsome!"


"How'd you sleep? What little bit you got."

"I slept through the whole night once I laid down. I can sleep on the plane too though."

"Have you packed?"

"Yup, everything's ready. I even slept in my joggers and tee shirt that I'm wearing."

"Alright, well, I have to get going but I'll see you when I get done. The key is waiting for you at the desk."

"Sounds good. Love you."

I smiled. "I love you too. Be careful."

We smiled as the call ended but not before I blew him a kiss. I wasn't much good at my meetings, it looked like I was paying attention but I was glad I didn't need to give much input at this one. It was more of a legal meeting with the lawyers, publishers and management about the next installment. My mind kept drifting to trying to figure out details about the surprise I wanted to do for Chris. It had been on my mind a lot lately and I really wanted to pull it off, but I'd need a lot of help out of Scott and both of our families and friends.
Once my meetings were done for the day, I headed back to the room, knowing Chris was there waiting since he had texted me once he arrived. I tried to come in quietly because I figured he would be asleep since he got in late last night and got up early to board the plane to come here. Sure enough once I got in there, sleeping beauty was fast asleep snuggled in on his side of the bed cute as he could be. Immediately I felt complete and even though we weren't in one of our own houses, I felt like I was home.

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