That's A Wrap

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Chris lifted me in the air, twirling me.  Leaning down I kissed him again.  We heard lots of cheers and shouts of congratulations.  I turned back to Sebby to get my bouquet so we could walk back down the aisle and over to take pictures before dinner.  The tables and chairs were set up and the buffet table had been furnished, friends of my family helping to set it all up while the ceremony happened.  We had all the food prepared, they just needed to set it out.  Because of privacy and not wanting the public and press to know we were getting married, we were lucky to have such great people in our lives willing to help.

Even though it was thrown together quickly, it didn't show.  It helped that all the paperwork had been done and was just sitting in the office, begging to be filed. Scott had the marriage certificate in hand, and promised to deliver or mail it within the week. I insisted on the pre-nup so that was already done and in the proper hands anyway.

Below the half moon and stars, our lights twinkled and the candles were glowing, making it a perfect night for the reception. The tables and chairs were set up so Chris and I could sit in the center of the layout and watch the festivities. This also made it easier for people to make their way to us so we could talk with everyone.

The night flew by faster than we'd have liked, no matter how much we tried to slow down and take it all in

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The night flew by faster than we'd have liked, no matter how much we tried to slow down and take it all in. Chris and I even mentioned it to each other, throughout the dancing and laughing with our guests, how happy we were and how we didn't feel like we were taking enough mental pictures of everything. There was one good thing about the night ending. It meant Chris and I were leaving on a plane.

I left all of that up to Josh. He knew a few places Chris had always wanted to see or things he wanted to do and hadn't. So, with some of my input on things I'd enjoy, along with some things I also thought Chris may like, Josh called in for the plane they usually used and set up a surprise itinerary, with our credit cards of course.

Sebastian was going home and promised that he was okay now. I knew Georgetta would keep close tabs on him and she wouldn't hesitate to let me know if she thought anything seemed off. Although, she did refuse to interrupt me while I was away for the next two weeks. We'd be making a stop by New York sometime soon after we returned to the States anyway because we had a task we wanted to talk to Sebby about. Y/K/N was going to be living in our house and watching Dodger until we got back home. He was really enjoying having a new step-dad and Chris was enjoying having a step-son so we all decided it would be good for him to live there. He already had a room and it cost way to much for people his age on their own right now anyway. Plus, Dodger loved him and they were both comfortable with each other. It was a win win situation.

We decided that since we pulled off a secret wedding, we trusted our friends and family to post a few glimpses of our special day to let it be known that Chris Evans was officially off the market.  We had a few to post as well, but all of us made sure to wait until everyone had a chance to disperse in the coming days. It was safer to let everyone make their way home first. We didn't want people trying to find our house and my family when they saw the posts, thinking it was happening at that moment.

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