He Went to Tiffany's

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***WARNING- more mature content

I know my eyes were wider than I meant for them to be, but I nodded when Chris asked me not to overthink his gift. He smiled before grabbing another quick kiss and jumping up. I watched, getting a small glimpse of that glorious ass before he pulled his boxers back on. Well, from what I could see from the light shining in from the window, which wasn't much. "Be right back, I gotta clean up a little and pee first."

I sat up, the smile never leaving my face, feeling like the Joker from Batman. Hunting for my panties and his tee shirt, I finally saw them. After grabbing them both and yanking them on, I lifted the neck up to my nose to see if it still smelled like Chris. Sure enough, the smell was exactly what he smelled like, making me feel very content. I was going to have to get some of these from him after we wore them to keep with me while we were apart.

I walked to the bathroom and as soon as I reached the door, he came out and I told him I was next. I quickly made it back to the bedroom and back on the bed, pulling the sheet up while Chris was closing the dresser drawer where the gift apparently had been hidden. He had cut on the bed side table light that wasn't overwhelmingly bright.

After that, he was back on the bed and sitting beside me. "I stole your shirt. I think I'm gonna need a few of these after you wear them. They are gonna be my new bedtime clothes so I can smell you when you are away."

"I'm totally fine with that. I like seeing you in my clothes. It's kinda sexy."

Smiling at him, I took a deep breath, trying to take his compliment. It wasn't something I was good at but I was trying. He had whatever it was he was giving me hidden behind his back in his hands and just kind of sat there looking at me. Raising my eyebrows at him, he finally spoke up. "Okay, like I said, don't overthink this."

After I nodded, he handed me a small box wrapped in bluish paper. Looking down and taking it from his hands, I couldn't believe what I saw. My eyes came back up to look at his and I forced myself to speak. "This is from Tiffany's?"

"It is. Like I said, don't overthink it, just open it."

I have never had anything from Tiffany's. That was something I had only seen in the movies. Carefully, not wanting to rip the paper, I unwrapped the gift. I opened the box and in it sat a simple but beautiful ring with a heart covered in diamonds? Hopefully it was cubic zirconia, surely it couldn't be diamonds. I was definitely not going to ask though.

My eyes began to water and Chris scooted closer to me, wrapping me in his arms

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My eyes began to water and Chris scooted closer to me, wrapping me in his arms. "I wanted you to have something to remind you how much I love you when we can't be together. Is it too much, you know being a ring with diamonds and all? They didn't have one with a different stone."

"No, it's perfect. It's just that I'm not used to things like this."

Chris lifted my chin with his finger, bringing me to look into his eyes. "Get used to it. I don't want to sound conceited or like I'm bragging, but I can afford to give you gifts. I want to."

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