Flowers, Flowers and More Flowers

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Dressing in our second outfit of the night, Chris and I made our way to the private party which meant there shouldn't be cameras.  We could be ourselves and I could meet some of Chris' friends.  I already knew Anthony would be there so at least I knew one person. 

Sure enough, Mackie found us soon after we arrived, engulfing me in another hug.  "Future.  Mrs.  Evans!  It really does have a nice ring to it.  Literally and figuratively.  Let me see that rock again."

Giggling, I shoved Anthony's shoulder and he laughed.  "Cut it out.  You need to behave."

Chris was already laughing loudly with someone behind us.  I felt his hand on the small of my back so I turned, Anthony moving with me to also speak to whoever was with Chris as well.  It was Margot Robbie.  He introduced us and we talked for a bit after she congratulated Chris and I.  What I didn't expect was what she brought up next.  "Now, I know these two are tight with him, but did I hear something about you and Seb being good friends also?"

I nodded, feeling Chris and Anthony watching me.  Margot picked up right away on all of our demeanors, prompting her next comment quickly.  So quick that we didn't have a chance to say anything before she did.  "I only ask because..... well, he doing okay?  I can tell from your faces that you must feel like I do from things I've seen and heard going on."

She really had my attention now.  "Have you been able to find out anything?  We only have whatever's online.  He's messaged me a few times but he's so cryptic with his words and it's only been for a few specific reasons he's reached out.  Like tonight, he did text me to congratulate me so I know he's keeping up with everyone."

Margot looked to Chris and I followed her gaze, making sure he didn't signal her to be quiet.  He turned his eyes to me with a tight grin before looking back to Margot with a shrug.  "We really haven't had much luck figuring it out."

Anthony, obviously done with the topic of Seb's drama for now,  found this time to excuse himself and mingle with someone who had just walked by as Margot answered me.  "I haven't spoken with him, and I haven't heard anything other than what's been public.  It's just so strange though because he's such a private person normally.  It's not like him to be splashed on tabloids with a girl he has never been seen with acting like they've been together for years."

"Exactly.  There's something completely off, I'm really worried about him."

Chris nodded and chimed in.  "It's out of character for him, especially not to be answering Y/N's texts or calls or at least check in on her every few days.  That stopped as soon as those pictures popped up.  Something's just not right."

Margot nodded as her husband returned with a drink for her along with two other people and we said our goodbyes as someone was getting Chris' attention behind us.  We walked around, sipping on drinks and mingling throughout the night.  It almost became a blur by the time we made it back to the hotel.  Between the lack of sleep, the alcohol, the excitement from the proposal to the hustle and bustle of getting dolled up and then changed, only to move from one place to another.  Before we knew it, we were waking up and going back to the house, only to take a nap.  By the time we got up from that, it was dinner time and we were ready for bed again shortly after because Chris had to get up early the next morning to be on set.

Chris asked Scott to come over that morning because he didn't want Dodger to wake me to go outside.  He wanted me to catch up from the awards night but hadn't even told me he texted Scott about it.  I found out as soon as I woke up though, hearing him have a one on one conversation with Dodger. It was a good thing he was there too, because flowers from lots of people congratulating us started coming in.  Multiple arrangements from different members of both of our families had been delivered.  Shortly after I woke up, a big bouquet from Chris arrived.  It was gorgeous!

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