When You're The Best Of Friends

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Throughout the week, Chris and I talked every night and just like when we were apart before, we would FaceTime until we both fell asleep. This way we could wake up together no matter how far apart we were. With award season coming up quickly, and Chris having a good deal of time off recently, his team was pushing for him to be a presenter if possible. That way his face would still be relevant and as they had so delicately put it, 'keep his fans fed with new content'. Apparently he hadn't been out there or in pictures enough for the agency to be comfortable with since he had a girlfriend and the holiday season had been in effect.

What better way to get people talking than to pair him with Scarlett if possible. He did tell me what they were hoping to set into motion and I told him I was fine with it. In actuality, I really didn't think I should have a say in something like that. He is his own person and I have to trust him to know what's right and what may be considered taking something too far. If that trust wasn't there, we had a problem. She had a husband now so I figured the same applied to them as well.

So, the pairing with Scarlett was already a possibility, but at the same time, Chris wanted me to accompany him as his date and didn't seem to budge on the idea, he was adamant actually. I wasn't sure how his team felt about that but I also didn't ask.

Since Chris was famous for bringing Scott and other members of his family to awards and premieres, I knew it would be a big deal when the time came for me to be his plus one. We had started out small with Scott posting a few things along with Sebastian and Chace. It would be bigger than the Jimmy Fallon Show. Neither of us really acknowledged it after it aired since we still wanted to maintain some privacy. It was also one of those times we made sure not to look online either. We had posted a few pictures, mine being private, but Chris didn't want to hide the fact that he had a girlfriend even though he still wanted privacy, so these posts and appearances had been baby steps and were done gradually. Then there was the charity event, with the behind the scenes fiasco we just dealt with. The pictures from us arriving would come out with everyone else's and hopefully nobody caught wind of what Jenny had done. That was why I tried to finish the night there without showing the emotion that eventually came later. Now we had the impending award season and premieres for him and a few for friends. Then it would just become a normal, regular thing for me to have to get fitted for dresses to match 'Chris Evans the movie star'.

As soon as it was announced, within days of the concept being brought up, that Chris was definitely listed as a presenter, along with Scarlett, the chatter did start. Luckily for me, I was with Scotty when it started. Unfortunately, Chris was filming and we hadn't made our way to the point of reuniting with him in LA. Scott insisted we were not dropping our tiny, few day vacation just because Chris' fans were whispering about him, yet again, always being paired with Scarlett. He told Chris to tell Megan to handle it and not look online, just throw himself into work and relax. I did agree with Scott. After the past week of events, a little space would be good, and if he was anxious about how I was doing with the comments going around, he should imagine how I actually felt with what had already happened.

I was handling things okay though. I expected this and even though it still annoys me that people fantasize about Chris being with Scarlett, I can't change it so worrying does nothing. That's par for the course of being with him. It's the world he lives in, as long as he doesn't act on it. I know he comes home to me and falls asleep with me on video if we aren't physically together. Plus, it did make me feel good, as nervous as it would make me, that he was almost begging for me to take the first step of being his plus one from now on.

It was nice once the meetings were done, early I might add, and the next installment of my novel was set to go to the final phase of publishing. That meant I was free to spend time with Scott.

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