A New Start, A New Friend...or Two

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I had been thinking about it for a while. My grandpa always told me to live it to the best of my ability because you only get one.  Never take life for granted because you never know how long you have and you can't go backwards, just forward.  Treat others how you want to be treated even if they do you wrong.  As I have gotten older I have found that I am a firm believer in karma which is basically what my grandfather was talking about.  The problem was, I was tired of being the one that was giving the good energy and still waiting for the really good things to come my way. 

I already played the good little wife and had my own backstory but I was trying to keep that behind me.  It was time to start over and move forward.  In recent years, it felt like I worked so hard to keep my sanity because I just never felt content anymore. I was creeping up there in age, and I started to realize we really do only get one chance to do this thing called life. There really is no going back to do things later. The more I realized this, the more I tried to branch out. Unfortunately by doing this though I became a different person and apparently a person that my husband didn't want to be married to anymore. We were young when we got together and had grown so far apart, being very different people than when we got married.  Just like that, I was a divorcee and on my own for the first time in a very long time. The sad part was, it didn't bother me like I imagined. How it came to be did take me a bit to get over but I wasn't thinking about that right now.  I was ready to just be me, not looking for anything in particular, just doing what I wanted.

I had started writing and had become very good at it apparently because I had 2 children's books published and one short novel.  A company had signed me on for more books and I had a publicist named Karen. I was almost done with my second book and was set to tour around a little for signings to get my face and name out there. There was an office in Massachusetts and New York where I would be directly corresponding with people for my work. Needing a change of scenery, I let my parents know my thoughts on heading up north to maybe stay for a bit while I continue on the books I was set to write. They weren't too thrilled about me leaving but understood. I wouldn't be alone, my publicist actually had an apartment set up for instances just like mine and it was available. Nothing permanent but something for her clients just like me at the moment who were thinking of relocating but not committed to it. A sort of trial. It was perfect.

I decided to drive up so I could also take some of my belongings. The apartment was furnished so I wouldn't need furniture of my own unless I decided to stay and get my own apartment. The drive wasn't horrible but I can't stand being confined to places for long periods of time. It's like my brain reminds me that I am sitting still in one space even though I'm really moving along in the car. It's just boring to me. If I'm sitting down watching a movie, it doesn't effect me as much because I know I can move and I'm not bored. But in a car, I am strapped in and can't move unless I pause my trip to my destination. It's hard to explain my reasoning, but in my head, it's valid.

I made sure I had my Spotify full under the road trip folder. A mix of 80's, 90's music all the way up to current hits. A little bit of Cyndie Lauper, Wilson Phillips, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, and Cranberries all the way to Harry Styles and Shawn Mendes. I had made good time with only about 10 to 15 miles to go, all of the part of the trip including interstates and highways was behind me. I was now traveling on a side road that was beside a park of some kind. There were small gravel lots along the road that looked to be for people to use for parking to take the trails connected to them into the wooded area.

All of a sudden I felt the car jolt to the side a little and the steering wheel felt funny. I pulled into one of the gravel lots to look around my car to make sure it was just a bump in the road or something. The lot was right beside the road but safer because it was away from any traffic. Wonderful, fabulous! This is freaking fantastic! One of the things I didn't learn and had made a note to do so. Change a freaking tire! To top it off, I didn't know where the spare was on my car!

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