To Infinity

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I had no idea what to expect. Even if I had tried to imagine something, it would never have been this. The screaming and the amount of people attending just to get a glimpse of the celebrities was unimaginable to someone who had never attended a premiere. This was a Disney Pixar one on top of that. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed. The rest of the Evans family would be attending one on the East Coast.

The minute Chris stepped out of the car when we arrived, it got loud. Josh and Scott got out of the other side and began making their way to where Megan was. Chris turned and waved but then immediately had his hand out waiting for me to take it. Once I stepped out of the car, holding his hand, we were greeted by the people who were going to be leading Chris to the photo positions and interviews.

Chris turned and waved again before we headed to the red carpet, except it was actually a purple carpet. The flashes were going off left and right. The screaming could still be heard because there were VIP's and winners of contests standing behind a gate inside where we were headed. The actors and actresses spent time signing autographs and taking selfies. I stayed with Scott while Chris went over to do his thing.

While we were standing to the side, I watched Chris taking time with the kids in their Lightyear costumes. It was adorable. He took selfies with as many of the kids that were lined up as he could. I heard the crowd get loud again outside of the threshold to where we were. Looking over to see who had arrived, I saw Chace making his way through the entryway with one of his nephews, holding his hand. Behind him, Tony and Candace came in with their other two boys.

They all huddled together for the photographers to get some pictures. I walked over a few steps to wait for them to reach us. It was so nice to see Candace again, along with her family. Once they took some pictures, the Romo family, and Chace made their way to Scott and I. We all exchanged hugs and chatted for a bit while waiting for Chris. Once he saw our friends, he made his way over to us so he could speak. He bent down and talked to the Romo boys about the movie before he was called over by Megan to get ready for a cast photo.

After the group photo Chris posed for a few individual photos. Once they were done, Chris held his hand out to me. He wanted a picture with all of us so we got in together with Scott, Josh, the Romo's and Chace. Once that was done, the photographers started asking for a picture of just Chris and I. The best part was, they told him they wanted pictures of him with his fiancée. We posed and lots of flashes made me see purple spots for a few minutes.

Not letting go of my hand, Chris pulled me along with him to the interviews after we said goodbye to Chace and his family. We did the rounds, he had a few overzealous fellow celebrities that ogled him a little too much. He knew it too, that these people had the hots for him. They'd actually been very vocal over the years about their crush on Chris on their social media. From what I'd seen, Chris harmlessly flirted back in tweets here and there.  That was before me though.  I tried not to over step the PR game, since these people do like to promote him, but it was annoying. Especially when it is common knowledge that the man is now engaged and I was standing right there.

I think he could tell it annoyed me because one lady who loves to randomly name drop him on Twitter got a little too close. She was talking to one of the reporters about the movie when we were walking by.  I let go of his hand when she hugged him, mainly because it was awkward and she literally pulled him in so tight in her embrace.  She was flirting with him for the camera as they hugged while greeting one another, acting like she was just melting in his presence.

Chris did that nervous laugh, the one he does when he doesn't know what to say or do.   Once she stepped back to speak to the camera about him and the movie, basically forcing an interview together, he reached back for my hand. I gladly took it, bringing her attention to me now. I smiled and she spoke into the microphone she had taken jokingly from the reporter as the camera continued to catch us.

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