Sebastian's POV

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Sebastian's POV:
I thought it was a prank so I didn't think much about exiting the building at first. Then a guard poked his head in the room I was using to hide in to tell me this wasn't a drill and I needed to evacuate. Great. I had come back here because I had seen a few fans that are at every single event I'm at and didn't want to take attention from Y/N. This was about her and her book, and I was here supporting a friend. I figured people may expect me to exit from the back.

So I shoved my hat down and pulled on my sweatshirt with the hood up and over my hat, heading out toward the lobby. There was a small group of people huddled and looked to be trying to help someone. Glancing through the crowd, I saw the shoes Y/N had on and ran towards the scene. The firefighters were already down the hallway and looked like they had contained any fire but the smoke was still lingering in the vicinity.

I was being told to leave but I pushed the warnings away. "I think that's my friend that they are trying to get out." Ducking under the arms of the guard who was trying to keep people from coming back in, I hurried over to the paramedics who had just arrived on the scene. There were still a few helpful bystanders but they too were being pushed out to the exits, their help appreciated but not needed with paramedics on the scene. They had their faces covered by the necks of their shirts as they were skirting around me. As I got closer, the lingering smoke started really making me cough so I mimicked them by putting my shirt over the bottom of my face. I wasn't leaving until I saw if it was Y/N and if it was, I wasn't going anywhere without her.

As soon as I reached the stretcher, my heart sank and I reached through the people standing there, grabbing onto her arm. I screamed her name as I felt arms around my shoulders pulling me back. "Sir, you need to step back!"

Jerking free from the arms that were trying to restrain me, I growled out my words. "This is my friend, I'm going with her wherever you take her!."

That's when one of the paramedics started rambling questions off at me for her name and age but all I could think to do was to keep saying her name. I kept asking her if she could hear me and told her i was right there with her. "Why isn't she answering? Why is she out cold?"

"Sir, we don't know anything. Someone said they saw her trip and hit her head but it was crazy out here so they weren't positive how she fell. They had a hard time reaching her to help with all the people trying to get out. By the time they did reach her, she was unconscious. It could have been the bump on her head or the smoke, we won't know until we can assess everything."

I held onto the stretcher as the rescue workers rolled Y/N out through the back door where the rescue squad was parked. I glanced out the windows of the lobby before we rolled by, looking for Scott but I didn't see him. I knew he and Chris would rather me stay with Y/N than hunt Scott down to tell him.

Once at the squad, they directed me to the front seat. I wanted to be in the back but they wouldn't allow it because they needed all the space there was to continue to work. The sirens were blaring and the lady was honking the horn for people to move. Turning to the driver I asked if Y/N would be okay as she was maneuvering through traffic.

"Mr. Stan, they are going to need any information you can give them about her. We need anything you have about her, allergies and any existing health conditions for starters. I'm not sure if she is your girlfriend but please don't feel like you need to hold any information back for confidentiality reasons. We are all professionals and want to do what we can to help, that includes being discreet."

As soon as she called me 'Mr. Stan' I swung my head around to look at her, not catching on that I had been recognized. She pressed on a little more. "See, you didn't even realize I recognized you, ...discreet. That's part of what we do, working in New York City."

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