Getting Changed...or Trying To

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Once Chris returned to his seat with me, I could tell he was relieved to be done with the spotlight.  He probably didn't expect the attention he got when he got to me, but at least it was a different kind and not in front of the camera.  His smile stayed glued to his face as people whispered their well wishes to us when there were breaks for what I was told were for commercials. It was especially exciting when one break started and I suddenly felt an arm on my shoulders, turning to find myself face to face with Paul Rudd congratulating me. 

Chris stood and the two men hugged as Paul told him congratulations before I stood to also hug him.  Paul didn't get to stay long because he had to be back at his seat across the room but said he wanted to make sure he got to speak and was happy for us.  He really did seem to be a genuine person and not one that pretended to be something in interviews that he really wasn't.  I looked forward to getting to possibly run into him more often. 

Before I knew it, we got to the end of the awards and Chris was leading me to the car to make our way to the after parties.  It was beginning to seem like a whirlwind.  More people congratulated Chris and hugged us both, introducing themself to me, as we were walking and then waiting in line.  Finally, we were ushered into the car and after all the hustle and bustle of the night, it seemed so quiet and dark.  We were alone and the whole mood changed quickly.  As soon as the door shut, I was trying to fix my dress so it didn't wrinkle and I heard the doors lock.  Looking up, I see Chris grinning, with his finger still on the button so I smiled back as I questioned him.  

"Do you think someone is going to try to break in?"

"No, I just want to make sure nobody opens the door until I'm ready for them to.   The partition is up and I want to kiss my fiancée.  I've had to be somewhat refrained all night and it's taken a lot to keep my hands off of you since there were cameras around.  I put that ring on your finger and haven't had a minute alone with you since."

He was so sweet when he was all sentimental.  It was adorable, making me grin, not able to say anything as I took in all of him.  It still amazed me that he was mine, and now the world knew he was going to be mine forever.  Before I knew it, he was leaning over me, pushing me sideways with his arm snaking around my shoulders at my neck, trying to prevent me from hitting my head.  The good thing about being in a limo is that there was a little more room than in an average vehicle.  His kisses were heated and needy, that tongue slipping in immediately before I could even take a breath.  Bringing my hands to his cheeks, I pulled back a little to speak.

"As hard as it is to stop this......"

Chris chuckled, cutting me off.  "That's not the only hard thing...."

I giggled.  "Oh, I know, I can feel that and that's why I don't want to cut this short, but we have adulting to do.  Responsibilities.  Megan will get you and me both if we are caught in any capacity celebrating our engagement.  Aren't we supposed to be changing?"  I looked around, pushing Chris up and to the side when I didn't see the change of clothes we were told to wear.  "Where's the clothes?!"

Chris pulled me closer, kissing me again before pulling back barely enough to speak.  He was still so close that our lips touched as his moved.  "First, I have other kinds of adulting I wanna do.  The clothes  aren't in here.  I had Megan get us that room that we had declined because we thought we would just go home from the party.  You know, the suite in the hotel that it's being held in?  I made the executive choice when I kept looking at you and knew I wasn't going to be able to contain myself for too long.  Our clothes are in there waiting for us to change into before we go down to the party."

Smiling, I pulled him back to me for more kisses.  We both smiled into them before I spoke.  "You think of everything."

"Scott's gonna stay with Dodger tonight and we can go home whenever you want tomorrow but I'd prefer we sleep in a little."

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