Say Something

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This was it, the night of our first official outing to a main event.  We were getting ready at home since the awards were taking place in L.A.  Chris' stylist and team were going to be there to put us all together and make us picture perfect. Megan would be meeting us there. I felt like all of this was more to make sure I was presentable to step out with him,  but Chris said that wasn't the case.  It was like a full fledged glam squad was on their way. 

Scott was coming over for moral support because Chris and I were both nervous and anxious.  He normally got nervous at events with a lot of people but I was just worried because I had never been to something like this.  It wasn't about being on his arm, or the famous people, but the more I thought about it, ........ it felt like I was going to be put under a microscope after tonight, and I already knew this.  Occasionally, I had been over analyzing everything, knowing I was going to meet people and be on cameras from this point on, which I also already knew.  The thought of being loved or hated just because I was with Chris Evans, being the one that had removed him from the list of Hollywood's most eligible bachelors.  I would be known from now on, officially, as Chris Evans' girlfriend.  Even though this is what I wanted as my forever, and I was in it for the long haul, completely cemented into this life with him by choice, I knew tonight would change things a little bit.  It wouldn't change anything for us personally or anything we have right now, but it would change any anonymity we had left for me.  Yes, we knew it would come, and that was fine, but this was finally that moment so it was a little scary since I wasn't used to this like he was.

Around noon, the full force of my nerves really set in, meaning I got quiet. I told Chris to go ahead and get his shower in while I cleaned up our mess from lunch.  I may have taken two bites of my sandwich, if that.  Chris noticed, asking if I was okay.  I told him I was fine, but just wanted to make sure my dress fit perfectly and more honestly, my nerves had stolen my appetite away.  He wasn't thrilled that I was going to have an empty stomach until we got to the venue and even then it would just be light snacks until after the show during any after parties.  To appease him, I forced in at least half of the sandwich, and then he finally stood and left for the shower after a kiss to my head accompanied by a satisfied a smile. I didn't mean to, but I could tell my quietness was kind of adding to his nerves, him trying to figure out what was running through my mind.

I heard my phone ding with a notification from
Instagram so I turned my phone over to look. There hadn't been anything new that I posted since the other day when Chris came to the yoga class with me.

There was a new like on the picture I was tagged in.  So, when I saw who liked the picture, my mouth fell open with a small gasp of surprise.  Once realization really hit me that Sebastian had acknowledged something, FINALLY, a whole range of emotions played through me.  It didn't take long for the rims of  my eyes to feel hot, like they were about to fill with tears.  There was no comment to accompany the like, but he was at least showing that he was paying attention to some of what was going on with me.  He hadn't forgotten the friendship that he claimed to love.  What was odd was that he didn't like my post with pictures of Chris, but he chose to like the picture Chris posted of me resting on the sofa.  After the shock and longing for my friend wore off, I got agitated with the fact that he could scroll through Instagram but not respond to me. I texted Chace quickly.

Y/N:  Heard from Sebby lately?
CHACE:  Nope.  You?
Y/N:  He just liked the picture of me that Chris posted the other day
Y/N:  I can't do this right now with him but I wanted to let you know.  It pisses me off that he can like a post on Instagram but can't text.  He can scroll through social media but cannot contact his friend?
CHACE: I know, I feel your frustration too.  He's going through something for sure.
Y/N:  Something he probably needs help with but won't answer me.  It hurts not having my friend.  I miss him.
CHACE:  I know.  Me too.  Trust me, I think it will hit him at some point when we all stop trying.
Y/N: I'm done trying already.  It hurts too much to think about it and I am in too good of a place in my life now to deal with childishness.
CHACE:  You have to take care of you, so I want you to get ready for the festivities and I'm going to tune in to the red carpet just to see you since I'm not going. I know you will look beautiful, you always do already.
Y/N:  Everyone will be here shortly, thanks for letting me vent. And for the compliments!
CHACE:  Anytime!  Hey, have fun tonight!  You deserve it! 

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