My Man, The Convention, And More New Friends

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Scott had picked some of the most conspicuous outfits for us to wear.  I almost refused to leave the hotel in the costume. 

"Is this absolutely necessary?"  As I walked out of the bedroom where I had been getting ready, I was met by a Captain America and a Winter Soldier.  Forgetting my complaints, the laughter I let out consumed the room.  "You have got to be joking!"

Scott had his serious tone on.  "What?  Who better to wear this outfit than me, the brother of Captain America himself."

Looking at Y/K/N, I could tell he was pretty content with his outfit.  We had been Bucky fans from the start, plus his hair was on the longer side even though it curled and waved more than the winter soldier, and it was a lighter brown.  "I like my costume."

"I am sure you do.  What about mine?"

"I'm trying not to look too much.  It's a lot to take, especially now that you confirmed what was already obvious to me about you and Chris."

"What's wrong with her outfit?"  Scott was actually being serious in his questioning but my son was quick to make him put himself in his shoes.

"Well, imagine your mom dressing up in that to come here."

At first Scott's face had an expression like he had eaten a rotten egg, covered in spoiled milk and yogurt on top of molded cheese.  Then it looked like a light bulb went off in his head.  "Oh my dear Y/K/N, I love my mother  more than anyone, but your mom and my mom are two different ages and look totally different."

"Still, ...dude, come on."

"It's really tight." I kept pulling at the outfit as I spoke but Scott kept swatting my hands away.

"Well, it's supposed to be.  At least it isn't actually as tight as Scarlett's was in the movie. Y/K/N, your mom, well you need to face the facts, she has worked hard for it and is smokin' hot."

Speaking up for both of us, I had to stop this awkwardness. "Scotty?  Really?  Too much, way too much for a kid to hear about his mother.   Especially one who is used to having a mom who has been a simple, bland person his whole life so far.  One that he isn't used to being with a man other than his dad and now finds out Captain America, his childhood super hero, is her boyfriend.  Can we go now?"

Y/N:  I cannot believe you're brother!!!!!!  I don't know if we are on speaking terms at this point.  We are on our way.

BUTTERBEAN: OK, what has he done?

Y/N:  First, he tells my son that he has a mom that is smoking hot!  Don't even get me started on this damned costume!

BUTTERBEAN:  Well, I think you're smoking hot.  What did he pick?  I didn't see it, he wouldn't show me but said I'd like it.

Y/N : Oh, I'm sure he did, I'm not surprised.  He probably didn't think I'd go through with it,  You'll see soon enough!


Once we were in the car I could see Scott was texting Chris while I was texting Chris. 

SCOTT:  I'm guessing Y/N is texting you?

CHRIS:  Yup!  She isn't happy with you.  What did you pick out for her? 

SCOTT:  I took a picture before we left lol!  She looks smokin' hot!  You'll have to fight the guys off of her!

CHRIS:  Why would you do that?  I don't want anyone looking at my girlfriend. 

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