Meet My Boyfriend!

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It was past time for my family to meet my boyfriend, however, I had explained how hard it was for us to even find time to see each other. I assured them that all of these projects that had kept him away had been planned out before we were together. From now on, both of us would be planning things as a couple, making sure there was more time to be together. They, of course, understood that sometimes work could be tricky to plan around.

My parents were set to pick us up at the airport and then we were gong to just hang out at home. I figured that would be a good start. One on one with my parents and then the other members of my family could meet him. Since Scott had already met my mom and dad, he had no doubts that Chris would fit right in and tried to reassure him of that. I tried to tell him that my family was very similar to his family, and that it would be fine, but I just knew, like me, Chris could get nervous during things like this when he first met people. Once the unknown was put behind him, everything would be better.

Sandwiched between the two Evans boys on the plane, I planned on trying to nap because I hated to fly. The problem was, Chris had been noticed which triggered some of his anxiety. We put him  by the window and had taken off our jackets. Laying my jacket over the armrest between us, I reached under it and felt for his hand. Smiling, he intertwined our fingers under the jacket where nobody could see. His leg was bouncing nervously from his foot tapping. Scott looked over at him so I decided to speak up, although quietly, to Chris.

"It's going to be fine. It was one person. Calm down."

"I just don't want it to end up like a circus when we reach your parents because people have recognized me."

"Chris, seriously. It's fine. They know who you are and what you do and we've both told them how it can get with your fame. Y/K/N even took all the Captain America movies over and all the Avengers movies. Plus I think he pulled up the red carpet premieres to show them how popular you are."

Scott tapped my arm. "Yeah, that's not helping. I'd stop now while you're ahead."

I was hoping Scott being with us would help Chris, but right now all he was doing was pestering me. Turning back to Chris, I tried to comfort him, whispering just so he could hear me. "Everything will be fine. They will love you as much as I do. Well maybe not as much as I do, but you know what I mean."

He smiled at me before he whispered in my ear. "I really wish I could kiss you right now."

"Well, I wish you could kiss me right now too. You will have to make sure you follow through with that wish later."

He smiled and I finished my pep talk. "If even one person does manage to spill the beans and reach enough people to make it to our airport then we will deal with it. I don't see that happening though. Nobody knows to expect you being in Virginia. I told them to wait for us on the top level. It's all going to work out fine. Okay?"

He nodded but still seemed worried. Scott had been so bored since Chris and I were involved in our own conversation that he fell asleep. The flight wasn't long and as soon as we landed I texted my parents to let them know we were there and would be making our way to them.

Thankfully, nobody was waiting around the airport with cameras. As the three of us walked through the airport, I felt kind of short, both of them being six feet tall. On the other hand it also made me feel like nobody would ever be able to bother me.

We made our way to the parking deck and to the top level where I spotted my parents. Thankfully, nobody else was on the top level so we could exchange hugs and not have to rush into the car. This was different than when it was just Scott and I. We had to be careful and take more precautions to protect Chris from any surprise photographs.

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