Mutual feelings

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What they didn't catch in any paparazzi pictures of Sebastian, thankfully, was a week later and our run in with him and the girl. Needless to say, before she had even met me, her mind was made up. At least that's how it felt based on how she acted towards me when we did meet. The feeling was mutual, but I wasn't sure why she would need to feel threatened by me, which is what I figured fueled her opinion. The reason I didn't like her was because she had changed my friend so much that he cut communication with me and it was obvious it was due to her.

We were walking on the trails near Griffith's Observatory. There weren't too many people out yet and we were on one of the less traveled trails to keep a low profile but also enjoy the day together. Chris had a different hat on and his sunglasses. We left Dodger at the house, promising a walk later in the neighborhood. He was so identifiable now that it was hard taking him and Chris out together.

There was a small group walking towards us, one lady was obnoxiously laughing and goofing around. Two other women were giggling and there was a man who was walking with them talking to another man. We moved to the side, hoping to keep Chris' identity under wraps, looking at each other and talking as we walked.

All of a sudden my head jerked up, hearing a laugh I knew very well. Focusing on the sound ahead of me, I saw the familiar tilt of the man's head leaning backwards, his mouth open wide, as he was cackling at something the other man had said. My stride slowed as Chris squeezed my hand whispering in my ear, "you wanna turn around? Doubt they've noticed us yet."

Shaking my head, my eyes never left the scene in front of me. Chris said one word in an exasperating tone when I acknowledged that I was not turning around. "Fuhck." Whenever he was nervous his accent slipped out, but I acted like I didn't hear his drawn out word.  I knew by the way his breath mixed with what he said, that it was because of me, not the people in front of us.  More because he knew how much this whole situation had bothered and hurt me and he was worried what I was going to do now given the chance. I kept my slower speed, waiting to see if the one person I wanted to notice me actually did.

Sebastian had been in LA, we knew from more pictures online, but we didn't know how long he'd been here.  Not once had he contacted me since the flowers, balloons and note, knowing we were in the same town. I didn't bother to thank him for them either since he had a habit of not responding anyway.

As if he felt me staring at him, or he felt my presence kind of like I had his, Sebastian made eye contact with me, squinting as if he was making sure he was seeing who he thought. His stride slowed, causing him to fall back some from his group, almost like he was in disbelief that we were running into each other. Or, maybe it was because he was embarrassed by the way he'd been acting, or he didn't want us and his new friends to meet each other. It could have just been that he was nervous about what I may or may not say to him, or her for that matter. Either way, it was going to happen because I wanted to see how he handled this, finally.  Who knew when I would get to actually talk to him since he didn't answer his phone?  Who knew if I'd get another chance to run into him face to face?  It was now or never.  So, my choice was going to be  now.

Once they noticed him fall back some, they slowed down, turning to check on him. The one loud girl looked in his line of sight, following to see whatever had gained his attention. I watched the whole thing play out as I continued to walk, hand in hand with Chris. She said something to Seb and he replied, his voice sounding stern with whatever he said as he reached for her. Moving her hand away from him quicker than he had  when he went to grab it, she proceeded to break away from the group and was currently making her way to our side of the path, straight to Chris and I. She walked with a steady pace, Seb following behind her asking her to stop.

Chris, holding tightly to my hand, spoke under his breath, yet again. "Shit." He was quiet for a moment more before speaking again, knowing me all too well. "Okay, we're doing this then. Can we try not to make a scene, whatever she says?  We don't know any of the others, but we know Seb isn't acting right for a reason and it could be because of them. We don't know their intentions or what they're capable of.  Okay?"

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