You've Gotta Be Kidding Me

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We were only about two weeks from Halloween. The holidays were almost here. Fall was here and it was my favorite time of year. The rumors had been swirling since the first pictures off and on. My face had been out there for a while and it was linked to my profile on the book. It was official now though. I was in the Marvel circle so to speak and even though I had only met a few of them, the others knew Chris had a girlfriend. More recognizable though, I was known as an author and the girlfriend of Chris Evans, one of Scott Evans best friends as well as Sebastian Stan.

There had been some backlash by some of Chris' fans on social media, obviously not happy that he had a girlfriend.  I was told not to look at the comments because even though there were a lot of nice things said and people who were happy for Chris, it was easy to focus on one or two of the comments if they were not so nice. 

I even got some hate from some of Sebastian's fans for being his friend.  A few comments said it wasn't fair I got to have them both in my life, especially if fans couldn't have Bucky and Steve content anymore.  Of course there were comments about splitting us all up, girls who would do whatever it took to do so and that kind of crap. 

I had meetings in New York while Chris, along with some of the other Marvel guys, were invited to a bachelor party for Jeremy Renner in Massachusetts where Renner's best man lived. Sebastian had some filming in New York that day and couldn't make it to the party. I was actually excited about Chris having a party with the guys to hang out because he wouldn't feel the need to babysit me, as I had come to call it. He could enjoy himself with a well deserved night out with friends. Even though he was sometimes jealous of Sebastian's friendship with me, Chris knew I would be safe with Sebastian.

Secretly, I was glad Sebby couldn't make it because that meant I could hang out with a friend and we made plans to meet up for a friendly dinner. Chris knew and was fine with it. With Sebby, I didn't feel like he hovered as much. He was still very attentive but if I gave him the impression that I was fine but  felt smothered, needing him to back off a little, he respected that. Not that the other two didn't respect me, it was just harder to convince them sometimes that I was fine.

Sebastian and I had a nice dinner, but of course there were cameras here and there along with some of his fans. I had learned that he had some unique fans to say the least. Most of them were fine, but just like Chris and I'm sure a lot of other celebrities, there were a few pushy ones that overstepped boundaries. Almost like they thought the celebrity owed it to them to make time for them and do what they wanted to them. They seemed to forget that being an actor was their job and when they were out with friends or family, they were not working and owed them nothing.

I have to say, so far, all I have seen was the guys being respectful and kind, taking pictures when asked or signing autographs though. Even if they weren't technically working, they took time to visit with the people who made them as popular as they are today.

It was amazing how close of friends Sebastian and I had become. He made it so easy to be his friend. Of course when Sebastian stayed with me during the whole fire incident, that kind of bonded us too.


From the beginning, Scott had told me to stay off the internet. Do not google yourself, he had said and definitely do not look up Chris. Try not to look at things on social media or things fans may say. The problem was, my cousin had texted me that she had seen some things online and she wanted me to know. So of course I didn't listen to Scott's advice and it didn't take long to find what she was talking about.

This.  This right here is what I was trying to avoid. Heartache.

After dinner, Sebastian had gone home and I went back to my room. After seeing a few things online about the party, I was tired and figured it was the perfect night to lay in bed and watch television or just go to sleep early. Chris and I would discuss the party tomorrow sometime.  Nope! That was too simple. At 9pm, I get drunk texted by my boyfriend.

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