Let Me Go

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Alease walked around us and straight to Sebastian. She moved his arm and physically wrapped it around her, even though it fell back to Seb's side. She grabbed his hand instead, since he showed no effort in doing what she wanted him to with his arm, as he stared at us. The fact that he called me 'Scuttle' shocked and upset me so much it took everything for me to say what I did next.

"Chace, I want to go home now."

Placing his arm around me, Chace and I began to step around Seb and Alease but we made a mistake. I was walking right beside Sebastian, allowing him to reach out and take my hand, pulling me back to look him in the face. He had let go of Alease and his full attention was on me, his back to her now. Looking down to my hand, then back up into Seb's eyes, I inhaled deeply and spoke quietly. "Let me go, Sebastian."

I could tell it registered that I used his full name again, the hurt in his eyes said it all. My attention was then pulled to the whining that was coming from behind him along with a very poor job of acting like she was crying. Sebastian only turned his head slightly, his eyes never leaving mine but spoke directly to her. "Would you just....... Just stop. For one minute." It was almost as if he was speaking through his teeth at her. He was angry, just as she said he would be, but it didn't seem like his anger was because of me. As I tried to pull my hand away from his grip, he relented, his tone very different as he spoke to me. "Are you okay?"

"I'd be better if you left with Chace and I right now so we could talk."

He tilted his head slightly, before knitting his eyebrows together and making his lips into a thin line. The pain in his eyes said enough but I was done with this tug of war. It had taken even more of an emotional toll on me seeing Sebastian so torn. Apparently Chace was finished with it too, wrapping his arm around my waist, as if it was time to go. It caused me to speak again, my eyes still locked in on Sebastian's. My tone was emotionless but accusatory. "Let me guess, ...you can't come with me?"

Seb slightly shook his head and disappointment washed over me yet again, feeling like I needed to tell him what I felt once and for all. I couldn't do this anymore and it needed to stop right now. "More like you won't. Then I need you to do one thing. If you ever cared about me..."

Surprisingly, he cut me off. "You know how I feel about you and that hasn't changed."

"Then you need to let me go.  I've had this dark cloud hanging over me, worrying about you and why one of my best friends won't talk to me. I can't do whatever this is with you anymore. It's emotionally too hard on me. I miss you too much." He looked perplexed when I paused, taking my phone out and texting. That was, until his phone chirped at him. Looking down at his phone, I could see his screen which was why I had done this, texting him a broken heart emoji. He looked up to my face, seemingly asking with just his expression what I was doing, so I spoke.

"It's nice to see I haven't lost one of my best friends completely." Turning my phone around, I showed him my screen, the picture of us I saved for his name and number. I wanted to see if his contact photo for me was still the same as the one I had for him. The one we took at the convention where we met in person for the first time in Chris' room. The day I asked if I could call him Sebby.

Alease made another little whine, as if she was bored or irritated that his full attention wasn't on her. I wasn't sure if I had ever seen that warning glare he shot her way. Speaking again, I tried to be quiet since Sebastian had stepped away from his girl and given me his full attention instead. "I've tried to wait, thinking it would have worked out by now. It just hurts way too much, so I have to let you go. I need you to do the same. I'm not just talking about letting me leave from here, this awkward situation happening right now. I mean, I need you to ....... please, I just need you to let me go completely Sebby."

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