It's Still My Birthday!

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* Warning - This chapter has mature content

Chris and I headed back to change for whatever he had planned. For some reason I had flutters of butterflies in my stomach and felt the blush on my face as I climbed into the car that was delivering us back to the hotel. Reaching over for my hand, Chris tangled our fingers together, his thumb running across the top of my hand and playing with my fingers before speaking.

"You alright?"

"Um hmm. Why?"

"You got uncharacteristically quiet. I figured after spending the day with the infamous Sebastian Stan you'd be absolutely giddy and hyper, talking nonstop." There was that nervous giggle of his that made me wish I never told him about my crush on Seb when we first met.

"I had fun, we got to know each other a lot more. It's easy to see why so many people talk so highly about him. He really is a genuinely good person, you know, like the kind you think has to be fake because they are so sweet. But he isn't being fake, you know?"

"I think his childhood and living in communism really shaped him once he saw what it was like to not have to live like that. He is grateful and works hard to better himself all the time. It's hard to find people like Seb in the world today."

Looking down at our hands that were clasped together, I spoke again. "Honestly, I'm quiet because of you." Looking back up to meet his eyes I finished. "Do you realize tonight will be our first real date without anyone else, just the two of us? Why do I feel like some young, nervous girl going on her first date? I'm too old for these nerves. I mean, I have been married and have a grown child for crying out loud. It feels weird to be nervous, especially with you." I looked back down after I finished my sentence.

Chris laughed at my words, grabbing my chin with his free fingers to bring my face back up to his before moving his hand to my cheek. "Is that what's going on with you? You're nervous? After how long we have known each other and now you're nervous?"

I nodded, and laughed a little at the thought of it. With him saying it out loud, it made it sound so ridiculous. We were way past the bashful phase of our relationship. I wasn't going to tell him I was more nervous about what the end of the night would most likely bring. There were no expectations but I was more than ready to take that next step with him. The problem was, I knew he had a whole lot of experience in the matter, and I had been with the one person and it was probably very bland compared to what Chris was used to. At least it felt like that in my mind.

Turning his body to face me more, Chris took my free hand into his, holding both of my hands at this point. Thankfully the car we were in was a big SUV and the driver had the radio on and hopefully was far enough away to be able to hear us. Even if he could, he was Chris' driver and there was a confidentiality agreement there. Chris made sure to bend enough that our faces were at the same level, his blue eyes looking into mine.

"Feisty, there's nothing to be nervous about. I know what you're saying though, I feel a little bit of it too, but I think it's more of a nervous excitement than nerves. It's the first time I won't have to look around the room if I just want to reach over and kiss you. Same thing goes now as it did when I stayed with you the weekend I came home. No expectations, I'm just happy to be in the same space as you, breathing the same air as you, being able to physically touch you or kiss you, especially on your birthday. Okay?"

Nodding, I felt silly and smiled, pulling my hand from his and placed it on his thigh. It was more for balance and somewhere to push up for leverage on so I could reach up for a quick kiss. After I kissed him I saw his expression as I settled back into my seat. The windows were tinted so there were no worries, this was more of a sultry look as I heard him take a deep breath before addressing me in my ear quietly. "I wasn't sure what you were doing with that hand at first. See, it's even the smallest things that you do that affect me."

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