Jimmy Fallon...

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Chris was going to be a guest on Jimmy Fallon to promote A Starting Point.  Jimmy always liked to play a game when Chris came on so Scott was going to tag along. Jimmy also asked about me coming on but left that up to us.  He said he completely understood if we didn't want to but wanted to throw it out there as a way for me to make my first public appearance with Chris.  It would be controlled since it was a recorded show and Chris trusted Jimmy so I agreed to try as long as I could back out if I changed my mind.  With Chris and Scott being on, this seemed like it would be the best time for me to take that first step.  I just didn't want to disappoint Chris if I did something stupid like falling on stage or something.

We all made our way to New York.  Paparazzi were at the airport of course.  I smiled while Chris waved to a few fans but he did not speak or stop and he didn't let go of my hand, even when I tried to pull my hand from his when I first saw the cameras.  He whispered before we got close enough that they could hear.  "Feisty, it's okay.  Everyone knows about us.  There's no need to pull away, baby."

I gave him a tight smile and held on tight.  This was something I was going to have to get used to.  He had found that it was easier to smile and keep going even though he wanted to be kind to his fans.  The airport brought about people who liked to have merchandise autographed and then sell it.   They were the aggressive ones that made it hard to stop for the fans because it would eventually start to get chaotic once people started pushing and whatnot.  There were times I had seen him just keep his head down and move to his destination but this time he acknowledged the ones he could tell were fans. 

Scott stayed right behind me while Chris held on to my hand tightly.   I didn't have a hood or a hat or even sunglasses on.  Thankfully our flight wasn't early so I had done my makeup along with my hair and dressed in a nice pair of jeans with boots and a sweater.  Chris and I had shared a carry-on and Scott had one that we put a few things in.  I had my purse and the boys each had a backpack so we didn't need to check any luggage in.  Megan had Chris' suit that she would get to him for the show. 

Finally making it to the hotel, each of us seemed to need to catch our breath and relax for a few minutes after the crowd at the airport.  We had decided on a suite with two rooms for the three of us.  Since we were living together now Chris and I didn't need to steal moments to be alone anymore even though Scott didn't know that. 

I laid down dramatically on the bed in our room once we entered, falling backwards from the foot.  It was still a lot to get used to for me with all the flashing of cameras and people screaming Chris' name.  Hearing girls squeal for him would never seem normal to me now that he was my boyfriend.  It was a little different when it was actor Chris Evans, aka Captain America these girls were screaming for.  But now this was my boyfriend they were vying for attention from so it was a little awkward.  I knew what some of them wanted and I knew they hated me for having it. 

Chris climbed on to the bed and scooped me into his arms to lay beside him.  I turned and snuggled into his chest, wrapping my arm across his torso and inhaled deeply, letting out a sigh of content.  This pulled a giggle from Chris.  "Better?"

"This always makes things better.  Right here, snuggled with you, breathing in your scent.  It's like home."

We were quiet for a minute before I spoke back up.  "It's a lot.  I'm trying to get used to it but it's gonna take some time.  I know there are girls who hate me.  That's inevitable, I just don't wanna make them hate me more by seeing me with you.  That's the only reason I pulled away."

"Hate's a pretty strong word Feisty."

"Trust me.  There are some that hate me."

"It's still a strong word.  There may be some that don't like that I have a girlfriend but that has nothing to do with you as a person.  There are a lot more who are happy that I'm happy. I just need you to block the negativity out."  Chris scooted out from under me so I was back to being flat on the bed and he was propped on one elbow.  He hovered there so he could look me in the eye before he spoke again.

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