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Chris and I were attending the charity event that had been rescheduled and I was nervous.  Actually, nervous was an understatement.  I didn't even know how to describe how I was feeling.  It wasn't my first time being with him in public but it was the first time intentionally being somewhere and on his arm as his date where people had access to us.  Other times, it was controlled like at the Jimmy Fallon show, or if I was photographed with Scott or a picture here or there that we found out about later.  This was different because I would be on his arm while he was posing or even talking to reporters or other people attending.  Plus, there was a greater chance of people being here that made me uneasy.  Namely, a few models and actresses, some of which I knew Chris had dated.  We hadn't talked about every girl he had ever dated, but of course I knew of some I had seen online over the years. 

We had arrived the morning of the event and Chace had picked up my dress that I had ordered online.  Once we checked into our hotel and unpacked, I texted Chace to let him know we were there so he could come by whenever he was ready, no big hurry.  Chris had his suit shipped directly to the hotel and it was waiting in our room when we checked in.  He seemed awfully calm which surprised me since he hadn't been to anything recently and things were starting up again for him with the new year.  I started on my hair and makeup early, doing a little here and there, that way I could redo anything I didn't like.

Chris had sensed my nerves even though I hadn't said much to him.  He asked why I was quiet a few times, but I was able to change the subject by asking him how he was so calm, knowing this kind of thing made him anxious until he was inside and away from the cameras and people. 

"It's really bizarre, isn't it?  I'm usually pacing by now, worried about the crowd and the lights, but knowing you're here and will be holding my hand, I'm completely calm and really excited they turned it into something fun with the Disney theme."

"Well, Megan will be there too.  Isn't she usually at these things with you?"

"Yeah, but this is different.  There's a calmness I can't describe when I know you are right here with me.  Plus, I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited that we are getting all dressed up and actually walking out in front of everyone.  I'm glad you could work with my team on such short notice since it's themed now.  I can't wait to see the dress you picked out.  Still no hints as to which princess?"

Staring back at Chris, I simply answered quietly with one word.  "Nope."  I must have made him nervous when I didn't say anything else, so he did.  "You okay?  You can still back out."

"Chris, I'm not backing out."  I stepped toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss as he gripped each side of my waist bringing me closer before I finished.  "I'll be okay once we get there, it's just the unknown for me.  It's just nerves."

"Okay.  You'll do great.  I know you will."  

The knock on the door saved me from having to explain myself any further.  It was Megan and thankfully Chace had arrived at the same time as her.  Megan was already rambling things off to Chris in the living room after saying hello to me and I greeted her back.  Chris asked Chace about his suit and how it related as they shook hands in a greeting.  Chace told him simply, "I'm saying I'm Prince Phillip. You?"


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