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After being discharged, Scotty and Sebby took turns staying with me in the hotel suite until Chris was finished on set.  Scotty was supposed to have returned to L.A. two days before he actually left.  After he reluctantly caught another flight back, it was down to Sebby helping out.  I did get to meet this very handsome guy who happened to be named Chace Crawford one day when Sebastian came to stay with me.  Of course I already knew who he was.  Sebby didn't tell me he was bringing him, he just showed up with Mr. Nate Archibald himself from Gossip Girl, knowing he was one of my favorites, behind Carter of course.

Chris was almost ready to leave, he was just waiting on Seb.  "Don't forget, you're supposed to start walking around more today.  That way the doctors may clear you to go home.  It can just be a walk around the hotel, you don't have to go outside."

"It's okay, we'll figure something out.  I need to get outside a little, I do know that."

"I'm not crazy about you leaving the building though."

Chris seemed like he was a little on edge.  "Why are you acting weird?"

"I'm not.  I just worry about you being out and about with Sebastian because he has some overzealous fans just like me."

Chris has always appreciated his fans.  He said the great fans far outnumbered the ones who went too far.  There were always the few who didn't recognize boundaries or the fact that their favorite celebrity was an actual human with a life.  "This is Sebastian's home.  He knows how to navigate the city and how to disguise himself."

"People are starting to realize we are definitely a couple so you've become recognizable too."

"I'll wear my hoodie and sunglasses if we go out.  Chris, I'm not going to become a hermit, you should know better.  I'm going stir crazy."

He still looked worried. "I don't want you to over do it."

Reaching up, I gave Chris a kiss before there was a knock on the door.  "Promise.  Everything is fine, I'll be okay.  You can't put me in a bubble because of what happened at the convention." 

Chris walked over to the door while I made my way over to the sofa.  He started laughing as soon as he opened it, causing me to look towards the door, wondering what Sebastian could be up to now.

Standing back up from the sofa, I peeked around Chris because I saw a second person at the door.  I couldn't believe Seb had brought Chace with him.  Sebastian walked past Chris and headed straight for me where I was standing while Chace and Chris were talking. 

Sebastian wrapped me in a gentle but long hug like he thought I may break as he spoke.  "Hiiiiiii!  How do you feel today?  I brought you a surprise!"

"I see that.  It's like my own personal Gossip Girl reunion with my two favorite characters.  I feel okay, but a little bit like a hostage to this suite."

Chace made his way over while Sebastian and I were talking.  "Chace, this is Y/N."  Sebastian moved over to Chris while Chace hugged me and we chatted.  "It's nice to finally meet you.  Seb has talked about you for a while now.  I'm glad you seem to be feeling better and recovering well."

"It's amazing how close Sebby and I have become so quickly.  He really is a great person."

"You don't have to tell me.  I have always thought that anyone who is blessed enough to have Seb in their life is a lucky person."

I agreed with Chace as I watched Sebastian and Chris.  Chace noticed that I was watching them and seemed to think along the same lines as I was.

"Looks like they are planning your day out for you Y/N."

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