It's My Birthday!

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Come to find out there was another surprise for my birthday. Lisa was going home and I was staying another two nights for my birthday. Scott assured me he was going to see my son got home safely. It made me uneasy but Lisa reminded me he was an adult. I did need to try to remember that more often but I made Scott promise he would get him to his flight and watch him get on since Y/K/N's flight left before the one to Boston. He texted me a picture of my son going through the door to the plane as he waved to make me feel better.

Sebastian had the first part of the day off, having a night shoot even though Anthony was filming most of the day. Chris had to film until this afternoon and then we were going to dinner for my birthday even though I was content to just order something and stay in.

Sebastian had asked if I wanted to see some of the set for The Falcon and Winter Soldier that was on site with his trailer. That was a no brainer but of course I ran it by Chris first. The plan was set for Sebastian to pick me up to spend the first part of the day with him. Then he would deliver me to Chris since he was working on the other side of the same property on his project.

I had no idea what Sebastian had planned but it didn't matter. In all actuality, I was more concerned with what Chris had planned because I had a feeling I wanted my birthday to end in a special way tonight.

Since Chris left early this morning and the others left soon after him, I had plenty of time to get ready myself. He did wake me up before he left with a sweet kiss to tell me happy birthday but he did text me again when he got a break while I was getting ready.



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BUTTERBEAN: That settles it, we're going to Disney soon!

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BUTTERBEAN: That settles it, we're going to Disney soon!


BUTTERBEAN: I'll let you go get ready, I just wanted to tell you happy birthday again and not to have too much fun without me. I miss you and kissed you this morning, I'm only ten minutes away from you. It's going to suck when you go back.

FEISTY: I feel like it gets harder every time.

BUTTERBEAN: I can't help it, it gets hard because of what you do to me, I'm a guy.

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