Most Magical Place On Earth

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First day in and there were already possible sightings.  Megan had texted Chris so we would know to keep our guard up. 


@MarvelFn007:  Is this Chris Evans at Disney World?

@MarvelFn007:  Is this Chris Evans at Disney World?

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@mvlgrl: It sure looks like it to me.
@ava321: If it is, how about let's let him have some fun without drama?
@MarvelFn007: Nobody was bothering him @ava321: just asking if it was him.
@5678: I agree, if it's him let him be. Posting pics will bring more attention.
@MarvelFn007: Everybody jumping in like they wouldn't be doing the same if they happened to see him themselves. BTW, he is looking fine.
@ava321: He probably looks fine because he is happy and enjoying himself with his family
@tuttifruiti: He won't be for long @ava321 if people don't stop alerting everyone that he is there.
@capsgrl: Is he alone or with his family
@MarvelFn007: Not alone. Now that I know it's him and I'm closer, I recognize his family. There are a few extras. A guy I haven't seen before who is kind of hot himself.
@capsgrl: Is his girlfriend with him?
@MarvelFn007: I'm pretty sure. There is a lady who he is staying pretty close to and it's not one of his sisters. She has on sunglasses and ears but it looks like it could be her.
@MarvelFn007: I walked behind them for a bit because we were going the same direction, and I'm pretty sure it's his girlfriend. They were talking and laughing and very close. Scott was beside her too and laughing but Chris was definitely different than Scott with her. Guys, he looks so happy. Not going to lie, he may marry this one.


@MarvelFn007: I can't believe I saw him again, but Captain America is getting ready to watch the fireworks with his family. I didn't disturb him but did snap a pic. And yes, his girlfriend is with him and like I said before he does look very well rested and happy. They are very in tune with each other and he is very attentive to her.


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We actually decided to make new private accounts on Instagram for Chris and Scott and invite some of our friends and family we trusted to do the same so we could still post pictures of stuff we were doing and share with each other instead of the whole world. Fans were still getting glimpses of Chris through other fans posting but this way we could also share with who we wanted to. I still had my account private where I had to approve any followers I had. His family had turned their accounts to private a long time ago along with some of his friends. Everyone would still keep their public accounts and post things there too, but we would probably do that after the fact so people didn't always know where we were.

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