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I tossed and turned all night, and when I wasn't doing that, I'd fall asleep for a little while and jolt up in the bed from a bad dream.  I was miserable, so I decided to just get up, it was only 6 a.m.,  but I was going to go to the hotel gym and then pack my stuff up and try to get an earlier flight. The thing was, I wasn't sure where I wanted to be.

Sebby had offered to let me stay here and hang out with him for a few days.  Yeah, that would be a horrible idea after last night.  I'm not sure why he would think that would be a good plan.  Maybe because he just felt like he should offer, knowing I wouldn't actually do it.  There was no way I was taking him up on that if I wanted to keep my boyfriend, and I definitely wanted to keep him.  Chris would be pissed, and somehow there would be pictures out on gossip sites or social media.  That was the last thing any of us needed right now.

There was always home, but where was that now?  Honestly, home was wherever Chris was but right now I needed space, away from him.  Right now, feeling like this, home was where my family was.  It didn't matter because the choice was made for me.  My phone started ringing as I was changing into my yoga pants.  I don't think I had ever packed so fast in my life after that call.  I would need Sebastian's help again so I called him.

"Y/N?  What's wrong?" 

"I'm so sorry to wake you up this early, but can you please take me to the airport?"

I heard shuffling in the background so I knew Sebastian was getting up and moving around.  "I can but what's going on?  What's wrong?"

"I need to go home, it's my grandpa."  That was all I could get out before I lost all composure. 

"Say no more.  I'm on my way to you and we will get you home."

Once again, Sebastian was knocking on my door, coming to help me.  I flung the door open as I was on the hotel room phone with the airport finalizing my ticket.  I had forgotten to plug my phone in last night because of all the chaos and my battery was almost dead.  I wouldn't have any way to keep in touch with such a low battery so I had turned it off after my mom had called. 

As soon as Sebastian heard me finishing my phone call, he grabbed my carryon suitcase.  I grabbed my purse and unplugged my phone with the little bit it had charged after realizing it was so low.  On the way to the airport I told Sebastian what happened.

"My grandpa was doing what he does every day.  He was on his way to the barn to get on his tractor."  I started crying again and Sebastian put his right hand over on my knee and squeezed before he spoke quietly.

"Just breathe.  I know it's easier for me to say this than it is for you to probably do it, but getting worked up will do nothing right now.  The task at hand is to get there, okay?"

Nodding, I tried to finish.  "It's his heart.  That's all I know."  That was all I could get out and Sebastian nodded and squeezed my knee again.  He knew I just needed his company and that I couldn't say any more.

When we were almost at the airport I needed to ask Sebastian for another favor.  As soon as we pulled up to the drop off zone I was going to have to run to make this flight.  "Do you have Scott's number?"

"I made sure I had it after the fire."

"Can you please call him?  It's super early there but tell him my phone is off and why and what is going on.  Tell him I will charge my phone as soon as I can and if I can't I will call from somebody's phone once I'm there. Can you ask him to call Chris too?  I don't think you should call him, just ask Scotty to.  No matter what went on last night, he needs to know."

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