Surprise Visits That Really Suck!

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It had been another month of texts and phone calls or FaceTime with my Bostonian BFF's who were never even in Boston. Chris and I continued our streaks of straight correspondence, at least once a day, even though it was a lot more than that usually. Scott had gone back to California for a few weeks, but was coming back into Boston for a few days before heading to New York for some meeting he had. When there was a time that all three of us were free, we would skype. That was always interesting though because we would have so much fun that we would end up talking over one another, remembering things we wanted to tell each other. 

The good thing was that after meeting their family while Scott was home this last time, I got along with their two sisters and we went out a few times. Carly and I had met up for dinner once. There had been two Fridays when Carly, Shanna and I had pizza and then walked next door for a game of pool for an hour or two. We had met the new bar tender who was also new in town. He was our age and not bad on the eyes according to Shanna. He was way too flirty for me and was so pretty he made Chris look more like a rugged lumberjack.

I even had lunch with Lisa a few weeks ago as well while Scott was still here. This was a tight family and I was thrilled they had kind of taken me under their wing since I was still fairly new around here. It wasn't the same as hanging with the guys though. Yes, I had become clingy, in my own opinion anyway, but they called me as much as I called them. Scott had his friends and work in L.A. but Chris was on location filming his latest project. This meant he had his cast mates to hang out with but his anxiety was also a little higher being away from home.

I was excited about Scott coming home, to say the least, but knew I'd have to share him. Since my schedule is pretty open, writing when I felt inspired to do so and actually I was ahead of schedule.  I offered to pick him up at the airport. We were going to have lunch at Lisa's then that night we would head to our hangout after dinner.

As I was pulling into the parking garage at the airport my phone rang with the Captain America theme song I had set for Chris.  Hitting the speaker on my phone I said, "yes sir!"

"Wow, yes sir, how formal?"

I laughed.  "What's up Chrissy?"

"I have meetings and filming later on so I thought I would check in now in case I can't later."

"Awe. Aren't you the sweetest. That's why you're one of my bestest friends. Always checking in on me."

"That's me!" As he laughed, I felt my breath hitch. That sound had become one of the sounds I yearned to hear every day, having become reliant on Chris and our friendship. It was something that had made me happy again. The problem was making sure my feelings didn't carry over the line of friendship. I had said I wasn't looking for a relationship and wanted to live my life for me. Besides, he is Chris freaking Evans! If I did let any feelings linger further than they should, it would be a one way street. Chris could have any woman, literally any woman he wanted, probably in the world. I was just a lucky girl who got to call him my friend.

"Thanks for calling me. I'm actually parking right now and picking up your brother from the airport for his visit. We probably won't be home tonight anyway, I think Scotty wants me to go hangout and play some pool with him. We're eating lunch at your mom's and maybe dinner, I don't know. I'm just along for the ride as long as he'll have me."

"Sounds like your day is mapped out then, I'm glad I called. We can't break our streak."

I was out of the car and walking toward the baggage claim area where I told Scott I was meeting him as I talked to Chris. "You know we will answer if you FaceTime tonight and Friendly will want to talk to you anyway. So if you get done in time, call us okay? I gotta get in here to meet your brother and get him to your mom."

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