Talk Of The Town

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The reporter was a beautiful woman I had seen on television before, interviewing celebrities.  She had a big, bright smile for Chris and definitely took her time acknowledging I was even there, but eventually did.

"So, I'm lucky enough to get Chris Evans to stop by for a few questions about tonight.  You look handsome, as always."

"Thank you.  Thank you."

"And who have you brought tonight?"

Chris looked down to me with one of his biggest smiles, all teeth and twinkling eyes.  Bringing his eyes back to the pretty lady, who obviously had the hots for him, answering her.  He did not even garner an ounce of attention toward her, just enough to acknowledge that she had asked the question, before he looked back to me and answered.  "This is my fiance, Y/N."

The reporter was about to finally greet me, but turned back to Chris in a quick double take, making sure she heard him correctly.  "I'm sorry?  Did you just call her your fiance?"

Chuckling, Chris looked fully at her.  "You heard me right.  This is my beautiful, wonderful fiance, Y/N."

I was smiling as big as Chris now.  Not just because the secret was finally out, or that I was engaged, but because of how giddy Chris looked at this moment.  He was practically bouncing right now.  The lady looked back and forth between the two of us a few times, her mouth open long enough to catch a few flies.  I was giggling at the heads that started turning and whispers that started between people.  It took a moment for the reporter before she finally regrouped.  "Well, congratulations Chris, and Y/N.  Wow.  The two of you have completely left me speechless.  How long have you been engaged, Y/N?  We don't see the two of you much, you've been very good at keeping things private for the most part."

Smiling, I nodded as I answered her prodding question.  "Well, we like to keep things as private as possible, not necessarily hiding or keeping things a secret, but just living our lives as normal as possible outside of our jobs.  As for how long we've been engaged, I'll let Chris answer that."

He chuckled, obviously thinking about how he planned on answering.  "You know?  There are some things we like to keep just between us to treasure, so I'm gonna keep that one locked up. It was very intimate and spontaneous and I think we just want to keep it close to our hearts, you know?"

The reporter looked like she was going to melt in the very spot she stood.  Clearly she was mesmerized by the man standing in front of her, but she couldn't have him, he was taken.  That boosted my ego a little and made me realize even more that I had won the grand prize.  She asked if she could see the ring so I looked at Chris who nodded.  Holding out my left hand, it only stayed alone for a brief second before Chris was holding it out for her to see, obviously proud of himself.  Thankfully, he pulled my hand back for me to replace at my side, apparently not wanting the cameras to get too clear of a picture.  He had read my mind.  Megan motioned for one more question so we could move along and the lady was ready.  "So, when's the big day and where?"

Chris laughed.  It was a sound that I knew he did when he was annoyed.  "No comment."  That made me giggle and kind of shrug at the camera as he walked me to the next reporter.

Again, I recognized the man who apparently had already gotten the news of our engagement.  Chris wasn't exaggerating when he said news travels fast in Hollywood.  It literally trickled down the row of media within the few minutes we had stopped at the first interview.  It was like they played the telephone game where you whisper in the person's ear beside you who does the same and then they go down the line.  Gossip.  We had definitely made the people chatter and some were shouting random questions as we walked by, all about us being engaged.

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