I Miss You

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I sighed, handing Josh's phone to Scott so he could read it. Dodger was jumping on both men, who were talking about a game Scott had on the tv. The poor dog was running to the door, going back and forth, and looking up at both of them. Obviously he had to go outside, neither man getting the hint while I was reading, so I walked to the door. I asked Josh to follow me out so we could sit outside with Dodger while we talked.

"This whole article makes me even more nervous."

"You should be used to people talking by now."

"I'm not sure I will ever get used to anyone being interested in my life. It's bizarre. What I don't like are the assumptions made like the one saying it was a good thing Chris put a ring on my finger so Seb couldn't. That's the kind of thing that will put thoughts in Chris' head and he's come so far. I don't need something like this to make him start second guessing himself or me. I know you know what I mean?"

"I know exactly what you mean, but I have to say, the Chris I see today, engaged to you, is a version I've never seen. Especially like the jealous one during that whole misunderstanding while you were in New York and we were at Renner's party. I don't think any of us ever imagined seeing him so settled. Before he met you, he was a man who could go weeks not seeing a human and be okay with it. Chris always said he wanted a family but the years kept going by and he just kept enjoying life as a bachelor in his own set of ways. There were times that I couldn't stand to be with him, if we're being honest here. We were getting too old to party like we were. He's always maintained the fact that he liked his space, but now? He would keep you in his pocket all the time if he could. I've never seen him how he is now."

That made me smile but I needed to stay focused on our conversation. If I thought about what Josh just said, how Chris wants me near him at all times, I'd be an emotional mess. What he just said mirrored how I felt and I knew I would end up in tears because I really did miss him so much right now, even if had just been a week. I missed him in general, but the confrontation with Sebastian and his girl had really gotten to me. I told Sebastian to let me go and it hurt. The expression on his face when I left had taken a toll on me and I just wanted Chris home now. "Whoever sent in the information was definitely close by. I guess we're lucky they didn't twist anything to make me look as horrible as I felt about what I said to him. It could have been that waitress because she was really nice. Maybe she was trying to help? I need to let Chris know another article came out."

Josh chuckled. "He already knows, that's who told me to show you when I got here."

Giving him a blank look, I replied to his comment. "Why couldn't he just call and tell me?"

Josh acted a bit nervous, like he was stuck in the middle of something. "I don't know, you'll have to ask him. I'm just the delivery boy."

He made me laugh. "I'm not upset. I just hope he wasn't too nervous to tell me himself. This is my fault so..."

"No, it's nothing like that. He's just worried because he isn't here and you had a run in with Sebastian, ... again. It upsets you that your friend obviously has something going on, so your betrothed is worried. That's all."

He made me chuckle. "My betrothed?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to lighten the mood, okay?"

Scott finally walked outside, handing the phone back to Josh after reading the article. "I don't know if you guys read some of the comments under that article, but most of them are in your favor, Trouble. Apparently people do not like Seb's girl at all."


"Yeah. I mean, they really don't like her. I don't pay attention to his social media and what's said, especially recently, but it sounds like it could be some light reading for anyone who's bored and enjoys gossip. There were so many comments under the article, I didn't even read them all. But some were praising you, hoping you told her where she could go. I know this doesn't help but some who said they didn't like you before, which that part was unnecessary and rude, now think they may have to set their feelings aside and realize Chris is happy. Especially since you hopefully told Sebastian to straighten himself up and dump the girl. I mean, the comments about not liking you sucked, but at least now they like you for standing up for Sebastian."

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