Off To The Toy Convention

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The week before Thanksgiving, I went with Chris, along with a lot of the Marvel crew, to a new toy launch.  The new legos and character toys would be out in time for Christmas.  The DC crew were there too. 

Scott was able to tag along so I would have company.  It would be the first time Chris and Sebastian saw each other face to face since the whole blow up with Chris being drunk.  We had all talked on FaceTime multiple times so at least the ice had been broken.  Marvel had reserved rooms for the cast in hopes that most would attend.  It was so close to the holidays though so not everyone would be able to make it. 

Captain America would always be included regardless of Chris still being a part of Marvel.  He wasn't obligated to attend things but sometimes he enjoyed seeing how the fans reacted after being away.  Sebby and Anthony were there for their show.  Lizzie and Paul would be attending for Wanda Vision and Tom Hiddleston for Loki.  I was excited to hopefully meet him.  Jeremy Renner was supposed to be there but that was still up in the air.  Scarlett would be there for her movie.  I knew they all had Funko Pops but I was interested to see if Sebby had any action figures.  I knew Chace would be there for The Boys but I was also hoping Henry Cavill would be there for either Superman or The Witcher. 

Our suite had two rooms so Scott had a room and we had a room. Shortly after arriving, Chris had to be in a meeting with everyone in the cast who was attending for the weekend.  Here, they would get the schedule and appearance times along with any meet and greets.  Scott and I decided we would go for a walk while Chris attended to the business side of things, but a group text had started between us and then people were all added in as it went along, making it a combination of people I knew and didn't know yet.

🦀SEBBY🦀:  You here yet?

Y/N:  Yup!  You?

🦀SEBBY🦀: Yes but heading to the meeting.  Are you guys on the 10th floor too?


🦀SEBBY🦀: Awesome, find me after the meetings?  With Chris of course. 

Y/N:  How about you and Chace get with Chris and y'all find me and Scotty?

🦀SEBBY🦀:  Roger that!

Y/N:  N E R D!


Y/N:  Good idea...


Y/N: Better!

🍔BIGMAC🍔:  What's up French Fry?  We made up yet?

Y/N:  It's still under review.

🍔BIGMAC🍔:  Awe, come on.  Don't make me beg anymore!

Y/N:  😊.  I'll see you later so you better behave!

Scott and I went our separate way from Chris after we got off the elevator.  Chris had given me a quick kiss and a hug before the doors opened and reminded Scott to keep an eye on me.  I gave him a look.  "I'm not a child."

"I know, but last time he was with you in this city I almost lost you."

"Let's not be over-dramatic, you didn't almost lose me and this is different, I'll be okay."

Scott shook his head as he chuckled and I hooked my arm in his, walking toward the door as he spoke one word to his brother.  "Tootles."  We were off, in a fit of giggles as Chris shouted to our backs.

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