I'm Sorry

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Once we got in the car, neither of us really spoke. We held hands, I laid my head on his shoulder, and we sat in silence. I could not stop thinking about how irritated he was that weekend he was drunk and overreacted about Sebastian and I having a dinner he knew we were going to. Then he acted like nothing physical had ever happened between him and Scarlett when he introduced us, and yes maybe they were passed whatever it was they had and could just be friends. Lots of people do that, but I felt like a fool now for not knowing they had been together when I was face to face with her.

Chris stepped out of the car once we arrived and helped me out, keeping my hand in his after closing the door behind me. We still didn't have much to say in the elevator or on the way to our room. It was getting a little awkward actually. We had finished our night as if nothing had happened, kind of. I was not going to let the opportunity of dancing and being dressed up with my boyfriend end on a sour note, especially with people possibly seeing us. I refused to let Jenny have that, but now we were facing the discussion of what did happen. On a normal night like this, or probably even tonight, had that woman not cornered me, we would have been all over each other once the door shut, if we made it that long. Now, however, it was a different story. Chris wasted no time once the door clicked shut, not even waiting a fraction of a second before questioning me with a tone I felt he had no right to use.


I had barely walked into the room so my back was still facing him until he said his one word. That's when I spun around, completely taken aback at what he was demanding. "Ummm, excuse me? Spill? Please tell me I misunderstood you."

"Baby, I am on overload right now. I'm actually amazed that I held it together to enjoy the rest of the night. The silence that we have been in since leaving though, well, it's driven me into a state that I cannot contain at this point, so.....yes, spill. Please?"

I guess he thought by adding a please to the end of his sentence it would seem a little less abrasive and possibly cute, but it didn't. Surely, he knew me better than to think he could get anywhere like this. Instead, it pissed me off a little more than I already was. Before entering the door to our suite, I had every intention of just talking this through and closing the topic. Now though, I had kind of lost a little bit of the mellowness I was trying to keep, even if it was minimal before. It was gone now, with one word coming from his mouth like he was the victim in this. "You know, I was going to try to have this conversation a different way than it's going right now, but apparently you want to get right down to it. This isn't really about you getting hurt from something someone said. It's more about me getting hurt by something that you intentionally didn't tell me and someone who wanted to hurt you used me to do it be telling me instead. She knew it would hurt me and did it in order to hurt you. I'm the one that got blindsided tonight. I'm the one who didn't tell you I had even second guessed going tonight before we walked out of the door. This was a big step for me even though we haven't intentionally hid our relationship. I walked out on YOUR arm, knowing the hate could get worse from your fans and I am fine with that because I know that it's nothing compared to the amount fans who will be happy for you. The hate just stands out because they want to be in my place. I'm over that now. BUT, what I wasn't prepared for was being the one who was cornered in the fucking bathroom by your ex-girlfriend. So forgive me if I find your wording and tone a little bit too much."

I was pulling my shoes off and tossing them to the side of the room, more like pitching them, followed by walking to the bathroom to peel my makeup off and change my clothes. Chris kept right in step behind me though with the questions, standing in the doorway. "Please tell me what she said to you."

"Do you even care how I'm feeling right now or that your ex-girlfriend cornered me in the fucking bathroom Christopher, or are you just concerned about what she said to me?"

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