Are You Going To Hover?

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I could hear beeps and buzzers and weird swooshing sounds. There was something over my mouth and my nose like a mask. It felt like a mist or something similar was hovering around whatever it was. It sounded like Chris was there and talking to Scott. What was going on? Was this a dream? I heard Sebastian talking too. Someone was rubbing my leg. Trying to push through the fog, I tried to remember what I had been doing and why I couldn't open my eyes.

That large man pushed me out of his way, I lost my balance. Fire! There was smoke........ did Scott and Sebastian get out? Did I get out? I don't remember getting outside.

I tried to pry my eyes open, blinking, or at least trying to. Somebody was holding both of my hands. A throbbing pain hit my head as soon as I tried to move to see what was going on, making me wince. Moving my fingers, I tried to squeeze whatever was in my hands.

From the corner of my eye, before I closed them both from the pain, I thought I had seen the top of Chris' head. Then I heard him, his voice quiet but obviously panicked. "Y/N! Y/N are you waking up?"

I heard who I thought was Sebastian talking loudly. "We need someone in here. I think she is waking up."

Cracking my eyes open, I saw Scott was on the other side from Chris, holding my other hand. He was kissing it and crying.

What the hell was going on and why was my head in so much pain?

Feeling Chris' lips gently press into my forehead and then my hand he was holding, he spoke again softly. "I'm here baby. Please wake up. I love you, please come back to me."

His words made me want to cry. It hurt too bad though. First things first, I wanted to see his face. I could feel his hands rubbing my hand. There was another voice in the room quietly talking to him before I heard him again, a little irritable it seemed. "I am not leaving this room. I'm not leaving her side."

I willed myself to speak so I could prevent him from leaving me alone. "Chris? Chris?"

"I'm here sweetheart. I'm here."

Still trying to get my bearings and understand what happened and where I was, I tried to beg Chris to stay. "Don't leave me."

"I'm not. See, she needs me here, I'm not going anywhere."

A woman spoke from somewhere near my bed. "I am going to need the two of you to step out though. Her boyfriend can stay for now unless the doctors specify otherwise. I know you can't really go to the lobby due to the possible cameras outside but we are going to need the room so if you can go stand at the desk I would appreciate that."

After that, I felt someone rub my leg and foot while someone kissed my hand that Chris wasn't holding.  I felt a smile creep on my lips as I tried to open my eyes again. The bright light was off now and had been replaced by a dimmer one shining from behind my head. Scott was at my side, rubbing my hand. He leaned over, kissing my forehead before speaking so uncharacteristically quiet. "Do not ever, and I mean ever, scare me like that again. Understand? I love you Friendly, I'll be right outside. I'm gonna call your parents right now. I was hoping I could wait until you woke up so I hadn't called yet."

Smiling up at him, I said thank you. "Please tell them everything is fine. They don't need to come up here. Please tell them I said that and I will call them later once I'm in the room." As Scott nodded and moved, Sebastian slid up in his place. He looked wrecked, eyes rimmed with red and a little puffy. "Hey you. I'm gonna be out there with Scott. Thanks for coming back, you've had me worried since I found you. We'll come back in after they get everything straight." Sebastian had tears in his eyes as he squeezed my hand, then he was gone.

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