Welcome, Make Yourself At Home

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Before filming had even started on his current project, Chris had scheduled this specific weekend plus a few days off because the remodel on his house was supposed to be done.  He had planned out enough time to make sure the contractors would be able to be finished since he couldn't just take off like most people could with their jobs.  They had actually finished a few days early so everything was set for his walk through.  I picked him up from the airport, parking on the top level to avoid people seeing us.  It had only been a little over a week since we saw each other, other than FaceTime, but it felt longer.  He was right, it was harder being apart after each time of seeing each other in person.


💚MYBUTTERBEAN💚:  Honey, I'm home!

Y/N:  Then get your fine ass to the car so I can kiss you!

💚MYBUTTERBEAN💚:  I literally texted you as we landed.  I will be a little bit longer.



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💚MYBUTTERBEAN💚:  Okay, you're cute!  They are opening the doors

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💚MYBUTTERBEAN💚: Okay, you're cute! They are opening the doors. Wait for me at the elevator!

Doing as I was asked, it didn't take him long to get up to where I was waiting. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Chris took two long strides and I jumped up into his opened arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, my head on his shoulder as we embraced. He reached under my butt to hold me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he walked toward the car.
"Welcome home baby. I missed you."

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