Here we go

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Scott won the first game of course so I told him the winner should go first the second game. He broke the pool balls, choosing stripes again and sinking two of them easily.  He grinned up at me walking backwards in a cocky manner, "your turn Trouble". 

Pursing my lips I gave him a look, sizing him up.  "Don't get too cocky Friendly".

He busted out laughing before commenting back.  "Cocky?  I'll leave that comment right there for now."

Shaking my head with a smile at my new friend, I then nodded.  "Okay, you do that.  I've got a running list of words in my head now of  things that have gotten us into snarky conversations.  Cocky and balls."

Both guys lost their composure all together. I admit, I did say it on purpose, hoping for this exact reaction.  After all, those shots had started taking effect and I was getting braver and more comfortable with the two of them. Scott had stepped back and grabbed the table to help support himself as he was laughing so hard he was trying to catch his breath between the gasps.

Chris had doubled over, after having done his signature boob grab, accompanied by his infectiously, famous laugh. As he stood up straight, still laughing, he grabbed my shoulder from behind me. I was giggling so hard by this point that a tear began to run down my face, but I still had enough air to speak. "Okay boys, we may need to hold off on any more shots for a while or we won't even get one game finished."

Chris grabbed my other shoulder with the other hand, turning me so my back was against his chest. His left hand on my left shoulder and his right hand on my right shoulder. He leaned down, resting his chin on his right hand that sat on my shoulder, talking quietly now that he had regained his composure. "You are going to have to stop mentioning things like cocky balls Feisty. When you let words like that fall out of your mouth, it's going to effect me differently than it does Scott ya know."

Staring forward, trying to keep my composure, I mumbled, "got it".

Scott had simmered down to a calm giggle by now so he was able to finally speak. "I'm definitely keeping you Trouble! You're pretty cute and adorable, we are positively on our way to being besties, and don't get me wrong, I do like cocks and balls, you just don't have any."

In unison Chris and I both shouted, "SCOTT!"

Bringing his hands up defensively, he spoke up in a high pitch voice that eventually moved back to his normal tone half way through the word. "WHAT?" Then he pointed at me. "Well Trouble, you don't do you? What's the big deal? I speak only the truth."

"Yes Friendly, it is true, I do not have...". I used air quotes with my fingers when I said the description, "...'male parts', but we don't have to announce all of our likes and dislikes and all of our attributes we have and do not have to the world right now."

"Okay, okay. Let's get on with the game, and no more flirty, funny business! I saw that whisper Chris. Back. The. Fuck. Up, ...please, ...and thank you. We are having fun, leave my Trouble alone and play nice. My plan is to keep her, not run her off with your tactics!"

With wide eyes I tried to ignore Scott's comment. Boundaries y/n. Keep it together, keep the boundaries strictly platonic. His name is Chris, some guy you have befriended in your new town. Maybe pretend he too is only attracted to other men. Do not think of him in that skin tight, red, white and blue Captain America suit that does things to your lady parts. Look away from those hypnotic blue eyes with a touch of green in central part, just enough to make you wonder if it could really be considered either color in fact alone or a perfect mixture after all. Wondering, does he still work out enough to still have what was called America's ass.

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