Thanksgiving And A Vacation

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After getting back from the convention, Chris and I only had a few days until Thanksgiving.  We did a little more online shopping for the new house and just hung out around the Massachusetts house.  Scott came home with us too since it was so close to the holiday.  He had taken up residence in his usual room at our house.  It was still hard remembering that this was my home too. 

It was definitely a challenge meandering around the antics of the two Evans men when they were together, especially their scare pranks.  I had already warned them both that there would be hell to pay if either of them wrapped me up in their shenanigans.  This was between them and I wanted no parts of it.  I did not handle jump scares well and they got a first hand glimpse of that when we went with Jimmy Fallon to that house.  I also was not about to take sides when it came to helping them so I told them not to ask me to help set up the other.

They started scaring each other right after we had gotten home.  Of course they had to document it, but that part, I enjoyed. 


We scheduled the flight for Y/K/N to come to Massachusetts so we would have time to get back from New York to get him.  I went into the airport to wait for him and Chris stayed in the car so we didn't chance anyone recognizing him.

Finally seeing my boy coming toward me, I walked the few steps to meet him halfway.  No matter how old he got, he'd always be my baby boy.  It felt good to hug him and have him with me.  It felt even better knowing my last secret was almost out of the bag.

Once we made our way to the car, Chris asked if Y/K/N minded if we picked up Dodger before letting him unpack.  This was our sneaky way of getting him to the house without asking why we weren't going to my apartment.  Once we got to the house, I told him I wanted to show him something.  Chris and I took him to the room that we had redone for him when he came to visit us here.  He looked a little confused at first until I told him I had moved in. 

Luckily, he was actually pretty excited about it and loved his room.  We also told him it wasn't just me buying the other house but it was Chris and I together and he was equally excited about that as well. 

It was going to be a hectic few days.  Chris had pulled strings and had a private flight for us to get to Virginia in time for dinner.  That meant his family would have a very early lunch so we could participate together with both of our families.  It felt really strange having a boyfriend with access to things that allowed us to have lunch in Massachusetts and then a few hours later, a dinner in Virginia, but here I was.

Once we arrived at Chris' family's feast and introductions had been done for Y/K/N, he was included like one of their own at the Evans home.  During lunch, we told everyone our news about living together in both places, but they really didn't seem shocked.  Lisa smiled as she hugged me.  "I knew that the two of you were up to something.  Remember, I said you guys would tell me when you were ready?" 

I nodded as she hugged me again, holding me to her as she spoke in my ear.  "I couldn't be happier.  You're good for him.  I've never seen him so invested or content. Don't ever give up on him, he may be a goofball who does some stupid things, but I can see how much he loves you."  She pulled back to look at me but kept me in her embrace as she kept talking.  I noticed her eyes seemed to almost have tears in them.  "I really am ecstatic.  The two of you belong together and to be happy.  I couldn't have asked for a better partner for my boy."

Smiling, I hugged her, not able to speak.  I knew how much weight it held by her saying what she had. 


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