He Already Had A Ring?

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I decided to break the silence. "You look so handsome." All Chris did was hold his stare on me, looking up and down, slightly shaking his head like he was in disbelief. I thought I broke him as he reached for each of my hands like his brother had before him. Hoping everything was okay with the way I looked, I spoke again in a soft, hushed tone. "Say something, please."

"Marry me."

Those two words pulled a sudden, small gasp of breath from my mouth. I heard a second gasp, making me remember that we weren't alone. Scott let out a quiet sound of shock, his two words sounding like just one because he was saying them fast. "Holy shit.

Chris said it again, pulling me closer by my hands. "Marry me, Y/N."

Blinking, I was taken completely off guard. When I asked him to say something, I NEVER expected that to be what he might say.  My brain would not connect with my mouth or voice, all I could do was blink. Our eyes were locked though, and Chris asked his question again, smiling and so sure of himself. "I'm serious, ...even though I didn't plan on asking you like this or tonight for that matter. I had it planned out so differently in my head, during a different time, but I know it's what I want. You're it for me. I want to do everything with you for the rest of my life, just like we are tonight. So... Will. You. Marry. Me?"

Nodding, I finally found my words as I heard the crying coming from behind me while tears were threatening my own eyes. "YES! Of course I'll marry you."

Chris let go of my hands and reached up, placing his palms on my cheeks. Using his thumbs, he wiped the few tears that had dropped down my face, no matter how much I tried to stop them. He was nodding as he questioned me again, looking directly into my eyes. "Yeah?"

Nodding even more, I agreed. "Yeah." His hands pulled my face to his, crashing our lips together. It was a kiss that became sloppy and messy, between tears from both of us and the intensity of the moment. Eventually I felt his arms snake around me and I found myself in the air, being twirled before he sat me back down. Holding up one finger, he told me to hold that thought for a moment and he ran off.

Turning to Scott, I found him bawling but still recording the moment. The thought hit me, he got the whole thing on video. Chris just asked me to marry him, officially, and Scott captured the whole thing. I was confused as to why Chris left after a big thing like what just happened, so I turned to hug Scott.  I only got half a step before hearing Chris' slippery shoes running back into the room, so I turned back to his direction instead, just in time to see him literally sliding in his slick shoes back into the spot he had left. Holding both arms out as if to regain his balance, the sight made me giggle, making him smile and breathe out a heavy sigh. "Almost fell."

Shaking his head once, as if to regain his thoughts, or the moment he had paused, Chris resumed as if he had never left. Reaching into his pants pocket, he pulled out a small box, again taking my breath away as he kneeled down in front of me. HOLY SHIT! HE HAS A RING? He has a ring! When did he get a fucking ring? Now it makes sense why he would leave me standing here after asking an important question like he had.  The tears had stopped and I was trying to remember to breathe.

Looking up, locking his eyes with mine, he said it again. "One more time... Y/F/N  Y/M/N  Y/L/N, my Feisty, will you marry me?"

"YES!" Chris took hold of my left hand and slid the beautiful ring on my finger. Once it was sitting in place, he stood.

"Perfect fit. Do you like it?"

Smiling, I reached for his face to pull it to mine for a kiss. Pulling back a fraction, foreheads pressed together, I spoke as our lips were just close enough to still graze one another as my words formed. "It's perfect......because my fiancée chose it.  He kinda has good taste."

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