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The morning after putting the tree up, we woke up to snow covering the ground and still coming down.  I always loved the snow, so right after breakfast I begged the guys to go outside with me on a walk.  It always seemed like the snow created a sound barrier and made the world around me quieter.  The trees were heavy with mounds of snow barely being held up by branches.  Dodger was on the trail of some woodland creature who had walked by recently, following the little paw prints.  We didn't stay out too long because it was so cold.

Once we got back in and removed the layers of clothes we had on, I had a few emails to respond to so I headed to the office.  When I was finished, I made my way to the living room only to find Scott, so I asked where his brother was.

"Where's Chris?"

"Bedroom."  That was weird.  One answer word meant somebody was up to something.

Walking towards the bedroom, I could already smell the fireplace.  Chris had opened the floor length curtains to the panoramic view of the snow falling heavily in the backyard.  When I walked further in, I found candles lit along with a roaring fire and Chris laying down with a cuddly brown and white fur ball.  My handsome looking boyfriend had on a flannel shirt, jeans and his Ugg slippers.  As soon as he saw me, he patted the empty space beside him with a sweet grin plastered to his face. 

Padding over to the bed, I glanced up at the television and found Charlie Brown's Christmas paused.

Laying his arm out for me to snuggle into his chest, Chris spoke up.  "I figured we could have a little date."

"It's actually perfect, I still haven't thawed out from being outside."

Chris made a low sounding hum that I heard a deep down in his chest that I had laid down on before he spoke.  "I can definitely help thaw you out properly later, but for now, snuggling will have to do because I want to experience as much as we can for our first Christmas together.  Watching Charlie Brown while it's snowing outside, a fire built with my girl beside me and my best bud laying at my feet, is definitely doing just that."

Reaching up, I placed a kiss on his cheek before I questioned Chris.  "How are you even real?"

"I wonder the same about you all the time.  I did post this before you came in."  Chris showed me his phone which had his public Instagram pulled up.

"  Chris showed me his phone which had his public Instagram pulled up

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