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Once we finished the tour, we flew back to LA.  My book was about to be released in a few weeks and I'd have a few things to do for that.  So, we decided to take a little time to just relax before getting on a plane again.  Scott went back to his apartment and it was odd just playing house with Chris and Dodger again, having nothing else to do except spend time together.  We played in the pool and one night we had a fire in the pit that overlooked the canyon.  Scott and Chace came over for that, along with a few of their friends that lived in California that I hadn't had a chance to meet.  I had met a few already, but some had families I hadn't met so they brought them by.

Guillermo and his wife and children came by one day and we just hung out.  The kids played in the pool and we had another bonfire.  Chris and I bought graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate for s'mores. Since it was a last minute decision, we had to go to the store to pick things up.  We had learned that it was much easier to order things from Amazon if we could get by with it, that way we didn't have to worry about hats and sunglasses and watching over our shoulder.

Even though we posted things sporadically together now, people still liked to get the pictures of us out and about together.  My cousin told me she read an article that said people were watching to see if anyone spotted a wedding ring on Chris' finger while he was out and about. 

So, not only were regular paparazzi trying to get pictures of one of Hollywood's most in-eligible bachelors with his fiancee, there was a 'ring-watch' also.  She also told me that there was a group on Tumblr that had a page dedicated just to whether or not Chris would go through with getting married. Apparently it was because he was not known to keep long lasting relationships, let alone get engaged and follow through to actually get married. They hoped he'd back out of it.

He knew it bothered me but I tried not to show it too much.  I knew it was well known that Chris had gone through quite a few girls in the past and had things said about him when it came to liking the single life and parties.  It was reassuring though, when his friends and family talked about how different he was now that he was with me.  How much more settled he was and focused on his future.  They said he would always talk about wanting a wife and family but never showed signs of trying to actually achieve that, until he met me.  He'd done nothing to prove otherwise to me either.  So, I chose to ignore the chatter.  There was a reason everyone said to ignore the internet and this was it.

I had a ridiculous idea after I heard about this 'ring-watch', and it was mean but funny.  Amazon delivered a package I ordered while Chris was checking his emails in the office.  Carrying the box into where he was, I was already giggling.  Looking up from his computer, he questioned me with a smirk.  "I know that look.  It's your mischievous look.  What'd you do?"

Walking over behind the desk to sit on his lap, I showed him the box.  "Open it."

Chris used scissors to break the packaging tape.  When he saw what was inside, he gave me a quizzical look so I told him why I ordered the package.  "I told you that people have been watching that left ring finger of yours, which has been dubbed the 'ring-watch.  So, I thought we could just have rings on every finger when we went out.  They're just cheap little party favor rings.  Ironically my box of  rings came on a day that we have to actually go out.  Some fingers could have more than one."

Chris squeezed me tight as he laughed loudly.  "Feisty, you are getting to be ruthless with people who try to sneak pictures.  I just try to ignore it.  You can't let them get to you."

"Christopher, it's hard to ignore it when you can hear the shutter clicking beside you.  It's one thing when someone asks you for a picture.  That's the correct way to do it.  It's another when someone is pretending to text on their phone but they are trying to take a picture of you.  If the paparazzi want to hunt for a ring on your finger, then we'll let them see rings on your fingers."

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