Social Media Sucks Sometimes

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Once we got back to the house, Dodger was showing me how much he missed me too. It seemed to affect us all to be apart, even though it was only a little over a week, especially after being constantly together for a few months straight. For Chris though, I think it may have been a little different because of our argument before he left. But hopefully, everything was out in the open now and we could move past it.

"I loved your new Instagram post and your new account. You need to accept my follow request though so I can like it. I won't comment if you think it will cause a stir, but I do want to acknowledge it with that little heart."

"I haven't looked at it since I posted it so I haven't accepted any follow requests. I followed y'all, and a few others and tagged you in the picture, then closed the app. I didn't want to scroll too much, especially since now I know things are being said about that night and Sebastian isn't returning my texts for some reason."

"Wait, what? He isn't returning texts? From you? That's weird. How long has it been?"

"Since the night of the fundraiser, after I told him I was okay."

"Why haven't you said anything before now?"

"I don't know. I figured he was working but after Scott's post and then mine, the gossip that came out about him and I dancing, plus I texted and just asked what was going on, and still haven't heard anything from him."

Chris grabbed his phone and texted who I assumed to be Sebastian, but I asked anyway. "You texting him?"


"Did you read Scott's whole post?"

"Of course I did. It was very thoughtful but I'm not surprised. Scotty really loves you."

"The feeling's mutual."

Chris grinned, putting his phone down, done with his text. We were sitting on the sofa and Dodger was between us, well he was until Chris spoke up and nudged him off the sofa. "Okay Bubba, you've had enough cuddle time with Mommy..." Chris looked up to see my reaction and of course I was grinning from ear to ear. " it's my turn."

Chris leaned over, guiding me to the side where there were empty cushions, pressing me back so I was laying on the sofa under him now. He started placing soft kisses on my neck before whispering in my ear. "Well, I have it on good authority that I love you more than my brother does and in a completely different way."

Smiling against his ear that was pressed against my cheek, I replied. "That feeling's mutual too, plus you do different things to me than......" cutting my words off with a sudden move, Chris stood up quickly and picked me up as I squealed.

"I've tried to be patient, taking into account your possible jet lag and everything, but I can't wait anymore! We're going to take a shower."

"You haven't even shown me the rest of your house."

"Our house. You should be used to everything being OURS at this point."

"I don't know this house though. I consider the other two as home."

"Well let me show you the shower and then our bed first. Maybe we can try some other rooms at some point."

We couldn't keep our hands to ourselves in the shower so to be productive and content, we lathered each other up. He had been training throughout the day and I had been on a plane and in airports so we both had to have the shower first. Chris turned me around and washed my hair, massaging his fingers through the strands before rinsing it off. Once the shampoo was out, he moved my hair to the side and kissed the back of my neck, wrapping his arms around me. Turning, but staying in his arms, my mouth found his and he took a step forward, pressing me to the wall. That was just the first of many times that night we got reacquainted.

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