Setting Up House

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We had been able to get quite a bit accomplished before Scott had even arrived. We left one of the extra bedrooms that he would call his for when he got here. Since he was buying the bedding and some odds and ends for the room, we just made sure the dresser and bed with bedside tables were ready for him. Y/K/N had brought some things over and we had taken him with us when we went shopping on the days he was not working.

Chris wanted to buy himself some more clothes to keep here so of course that meant he wanted to do the same for my son and I. He never wanted to worry that we had forgotten to bring something when we went back and forth or have to take time to buy it when we got there. Y/K/N was definitely not used to just buying things without worrying about the price tag. I always shopped for sales when he was growing up and I've found shopping with Chris can be different. He was definitely frugal with his money, but with some of the things he was buying for our new home, he didn't seem to worry too much since we would only have to do this once.

Chris made sure we had winter coats and boots, along with anything else we needed. The weather wasn't too much different when it came to seasons, the winters weren't as bad here though.  Of course we didn't have anything but a mall or the main department stores. When we were at the mall on a day Y/K/N was at work, I tried to just be my normal self and shop for things I normally would. I had told Chris I appreciated everything he bought, but I was buying everything on this day.

I had him disguised pretty well. We thinned his beard a little since he grew it like it was his job, no effort necessary, it grew fast. We dressed him in things that he wasn't usually seen in. This meant no Red Sox or Patriots fan gear. I told him it would be funny if he wore a Captain America shirt and he just gave me a look. Laughing, I tried to lighten the situation, placing my hands in the air, palms facing him defensively. "Okay, okay fine. No Cap shirt. But you have to admit, nobody would expect you to be wearing it. How about an Iron Man or one of my Bucky shirts that Sebby gave me?"

This time he put his hands on his hips and gave me the same look. Laughing, I turned to speak while I grabbed a Disney shirt we bought while we were there to throw at him. Before I could get it out of my hands and in the air, I myself was in the air. Chris closed the distance and wrapped me up in his arms and lifted me from behind. Leaning his cheek against mine, he spoke rather seductively.

"I can put something in you that has to do with Captain America instead of on you and I'm not talking about tee shirts."

Of course, this kind of talk made us later going out shopping than we had planned.


At first, Chris was a little guarded at the mall. Eventually he calmed down the longer he went unrecognized. When he wore shirts that had longer sleeves and weren't as tight, he wasn't as easily detected. I bought some Yankee candles and we went to Bath and Body Works.

We hadn't been holding hands but Chris occasionally would put an arm around my shoulder or waist when we talked or were looking at things.  We'd casually wrap a few fingers together if we were in a store deciding on buying something. 

I wasn't normally one who shopped in Victoria's Secret but as we walked by, Chris veered off toward the door after grabbing my hand.  Looking up at him, I found a sly smirk as he whispered.  "Oh, we're definitely going in here, and I am paying for whatever you want along with whatever I may want."

I decided to play coy.  "Chris, are you going to start wearing women's lingerie?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about.  I have never gotten that bathing suit Scott had you try on out of my head, so I want to pick some stuff out for you and that's what I'm saying is for me."

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