The Two of You Got Closer

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We spent a little while longer in LA. Chris had a meeting coming up so instead of going home and then him having to come back, we just stayed a while longer than we originally intended. Scott and Chase both came over some and we just relaxed by the fire pit or took a swim in the pool. We cooked out on the grill and ate outside on the patio. The days were really nice outside so we went ahead and left the big glass doors open so the breeze could flow through while we just hung out.

We even played some games, just trying to create some sort of normalcy, for all of us, actually. We all had been worried about Sebastian and now it was almost like a relief, especially for Chace and I. We just had to get him back in the groove of reality and who he was before her. Mario Kart became a staple and everyone was super competitive while playing it. Being the only girl in the group I took pride that all the guys had a hard time beating me. It was funny how much it drove them crazy.

Chris had some corn hole boards in the garage that he hadn't used in a long time. We pulled those out and put them in the backyard, mixing up the teams at first. Eventually, Chris and I became the team to beat and the other three took turns pairing up in an effort to defeat us. As it turned out, nobody could, and it became the joke that not only were we perfect as a couple, but as a team as corn hole team well.

We needed some more groceries to get us through a few more days since we hadn't planned on being here as long as we had been. Chris just put in an order online and went to pick it up. While he was gone, it was just Sebastian and I left in the house because Scott and Chace hadn't come over yet for the day. I could tell something was bothering Sebby, so I asked if he wanted a cup of coffee. I knew he always found that hard to resist, and of course this time was no different. Once I was finished making our cups, I walked out to the patio and nodded for him to follow.

Once we sat down, I had barely taken one sip before Sebastian started talking. "This is good."

"It's become one of my favorites, but I've had a hard time finding it back home."

"Yeah. There's definitely a few things that are easier to find on one coast than the other."

I nodded, leaving the air clear for him to say whatever was on his mind. It didn't take him long. "So, you and Chace seem to have gotten really close while I've been gone."

His eyes looked down at his coffee as he spoke his words. When I didn't answer, he looked up to find me watching him. I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to set him back either. So, I tried to be honest but careful, nodding while I answered. "We did."

"I could tell when I saw the two of you together that day at lunch.  He was very protective, which I appreciated, by the way.  I saw the articles.  I'm sorry you were put in that situation."

"You don't have to keep apologizing Sebby."

Sebastian seemed to want to have a heart to heart while we were alone because it hadn't happened much since he got here. "I'm glad the two of you got closer. You actually have a lot in common."

"Sebby, the biggest thing we had in common at first was how worried we were about you. I don't really want to go too far into all that again though unless there's more you haven't already said. What's done is done, it's in the past, you've come so far in just a few days."

"No, I know. I'm really fortunate to have friends like the two of you. I lucked out with the circle of friends I have. I'm just really pissed at myself though. I could have messed up more than I did if I stayed longer, not everyone is as forgiving."

"We love you Seb. I know it hasn't been as long for you and I as it has been for your other friends or with Chris, but -"

He cut my sentence off. "-No. I get it. I feel the same as you. It feels like I've known you for as long as I've known my long time friends, ya know? It's so weird. It's almost like, if I had a sister, I'd imagine our relationship being like the one you and I share."

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