L.A. Bound

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Chris had bought matching iPads so our screens were bigger and we didn't tie our phones up while having FaceTime on. This was for when we would be apart and slept with the screen facing us. The past few days of being apart, we basically just left the iPad on, keeping it plugged in on the table beside our beds. There had been a few conversations between Dodger and I when I saw him snuggled on the bed while Chris was still working.

With Chris training for this part, he had to get up early as part of pre-production. It was much earlier than I needed to get up and he was usually gone when I opened my eyes. I was woken this morning though, hearing Chris as he stubbed his toe while getting ready to head over to set. Once I was really awake and heard him still fussing, I sat up a little, trying to figure out what was going on.

"OW! FAUHCK! Holy shit, ow!"

I jumped, sitting up a little more so I could see the screen. He wasn't anywhere that I could see, but I saw Dodger jump off the bed and bark then whine. Chris couldn't hear me asking what happened because of the dog. I did hear him talking to Dodger though, so I knew he was okay. "Okay, it's okay. I'm good Bubba."

As soon as Dodger stopped barking I spoke. "Chris, are you okay?"

He made his way back to sit on the bed but was leaning down to look into the screen. "I'm sorry to wake you up like that Feisty, I stubbed my toe while I was walking to the bathroom."

"I see Dodger took my place beside you instead of at the foot of the bed. That didn't take long." I giggled as Dodger came closer after hearing his name and my voice.

Chris laughed at our interaction. "He's just keeping your side warm for you. You know he'd rather have you here than have your spot. Tell your momm......"

Chris cut his word off at the last second, at the same time I took in a loud, sudden breath at hearing him refer to me as Dodger's mommy. I knew how much that dog meant to Chris and for him to think of me in that manner made my heart fill with pride and joy. His eyes got really big as he seemed to search through the screen for my reaction. I knew he didn't mean to say it out loud but at the same time he meant it. I let the small, shy grin that I had tried to hide peek through.

As soon as Chris saw me, he ducked his head before looking back up with a side smile. His eyes were twinkling as he broached the subject. "I'm sorry. It kind of just slipped out. Is that okay?"

"Of course it's okay. I mean, he and I share a bed together sometimes and we do live together."

Chris laughed. "Good point. I'm glad we made it official though and Dodge and I can say it out loud when you're around now, instead of keeping it between just the two of us."

I let out a sleepy giggle before he spoke back up. "Alright Feisty, I have to hurry over to set now. I love you."

"Love you too."

It took a while for me to fall back to sleep, only because I was so smitten with that man. I never imagined, just a a year and a half ago, being in the position I was in right now. Live-in boyfriend, dog, new best friend, oh and said boyfriend being Chris Evans. So many things had been said about how he treated girlfriends, insecurities, commitment issues, needing space and other manners over the years through gossip magazines, blogs, fan rumors etc. But the man that I called mine, rumors or reality, was nothing like what had been said. At the same time, I wasn't the same kind of person some people may remember in the past either. Whatever the case, together, we were better people and made things work in our own way. Even though we had said we loved each other, lived together and all that comes with that, the fact that he referred to me as his fur baby's mother, I knew the weight of how much that meant. Whenever I did fall asleep, I was sure of one thing, there was a smile on my face.

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