Happiest Place on Earth

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It was already a great night.  Chris now knew he didn't have to be hesitant in asking me to marry him, if he wanted to, which he apparently did.  It seemed to also help that we both knew we were open to a family as well.  I would have been satisfied with returning to the suite we had been in all week but of course, Chris had more surprises up his sleeve.  We were currently being driven off site from where we had been, and back on the road.  My boyfriend was absolutely giddy and it made me giggle.  "What has you so excited?"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise but I have to say, this part may have been done selfishly and make me more excited than you will be."

"That makes me happy then."

We pulled up to a Magic Kingdom back entrance of some kind.  A cast member was waiting and Chris asked me to stay in the car for a minute while he went over a few things.  After a quick chat, Chris walked back and opened my door, extending his hand.  I wrapped my fingers around his and followed beside him as we went to a side door with steps going down.  We had used these underground hallways during both of our visits just so Chris wasn't noticed and we could have some anonymity while there.  There was a golf cart waiting for us because apparently we were going a bit of a distance.  Once we got to where we were going, another cast member took us through a small maze of halls and up a few more steps.  She apologized for the amount of steps and how long it took to get there but Chris assured her we understood since the park was still open and he couldn't just walk through it as easily.  Once we arrived at our final door, she told us to enjoy our stay.   I frowned and questioned Chris as she walked away.  "We're staying inside the park all night?"

"Nope.  We are staying IN THE CASTLE all night!"  Chris still had my hand in his as he opened the door to another cast member dressed in a special outfit at a desk in a corridor who greeted us.  My feet seemed to be glued to the floor and Chris turned to see why I had stalled.  He smiled at my expression I assume, because he reached over with a kiss to my cheek as he whispered.  "You okay?"

I nodded and took a step forward, but couldn't speak as I was taking in all the details of the room

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I nodded and took a step forward, but couldn't speak as I was taking in all the details of the room. I heard Chris continue to talk to the person at the desk and then I followed behind him, still holding onto his fingers. He looked at me a few times but I'm sure my expression mirrored his with a smile splitting my face in two. It was unspeakable. The detail was beautiful and unimaginable as we were ushered to our suite.

Once we made it to the door our room was behind, she told us to enjoy our stay and flitted away, blushing. I teased Chris and said I thought she recognized him by how she stared under her lashes up at him while she stumbled over her words.

  I teased Chris and said  I thought she recognized him by how she stared under her lashes up at him while she stumbled over her words

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